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In both humans and dogs, pregnancy is a severe process. Do you have a female rottweiler dog? You may often have a question: how long are rottweilers pregnant for? Generally, regardless of breed size, an average dog’s pregnancy period is about 63 to 65 days. Therefore, the pet owners have limited time to learn on the job. Moreover, the pregnancy phase demands a lot of effort and energy to ensure a healthy result.

In comparison to human beings, a dog’s pregnancy phase is shorter. Both humans and dogs have three trimesters, and each trimester lasts around 21 days. Here, we will walk you through Rottweiler pregnancy. Let us first look at the symptoms of a pregnant rottweiler.

Signs of a Pregnant Rottweiler

Learning the signs and symptoms of your Rottweiler pregnancy is important. You may notice both physical and medical signs, which can be:

Physical Signs of Pregnant Rottweiler

The most obvious sign of rottweiler pregnancy is a bloated tummy. But, after some weeks, this becomes the most trustworthy sign. Aside from this, there are other physical signs which include:

Nausea and Vomiting

Pregnant rottweilers are likely to suffer from morning sickness, making them feel sick or vomit.

Increased Appetite

The bodies of a pregnant rottweiler require more nutrients to produce puppies. Thus, they might experience an increased appetite during the pregnancy phase.

Bigger Nipples

The nipples of rottweiler dogs will grow big. They may even become dark in color as the pregnancy progresses.

Nesting Behavior

The dog may begin showing nesting behavior when the due date gets closer. These behaviors include digging or seeking a comfortable, peaceful place to give birth.

Changes in Behavior

The dog may act more affectionately or strangely. They may even become moody or restless.

Medical Signs of Pregnant Rottweiler

If you notice that your dog is pregnant, you should take her to the clinic for a checkup. An x-ray or ultrasound will confirm the Rottweiler pregnancy and determine the number of puppies expected. Moreover, your vet may monitor the dog’s health during the pregnancy and advise on how to look after her. Here are a few common tests that a vet may do:

Ultrasound Scan

An ultrasound scan may help detect fetal heartbeats. It can even tell how many rottweiler puppies will be born.

Witness Relaxin Test

Relaxin is a hormone that dogs secrete throughout the pregnancy phase. A Witness Relaxin test can detect this.

Abdominal Palpitation

Abdominal palpation is a massage of the dog’s tummy. This is done to feel the pups in the uterus of the mother rottweiler.


X-rays can recognize puppies in the uterus and determine how many puppies she carries. Some individuals believe this may be detrimental to the mother as there is high radiation.

Also Read: What is the Lifespan of a Rottweiler? Can we Increase its Lifespan?

Stages of a Pregnancy

Rottweilers are only pregnant for nine weeks. Here is an overview of each week and the changes you are likely to see:

Week 1

The earliest week is only considered as part of the pregnancy process. In this phase, the eggs will move down the fallopian tube. Here, the eggs will be fertilized and implanted. Implantation does not take place until a day or so after conceiving. At this point, the dog is considered to be pregnant.

Week 2

By the second week, the embryos persist to grow fast. The early signs of this stage might be noticeable. This is because the dog is undergoing hormonal shifts. Physical signs during the second week are uncommon. The dog’s nipples might turn big, but it may be hard to notice. Most symptoms in the second week are behavioral and occur because of hormonal shifts. 

Week 3

In the third week, the embryos start to resemble tiny dogs and grow organs. The abdomen of the mother might become enlarged, but that depends on her size and pregnancy history. Compared to the first-timers, dogs that have been pregnant previously often show earlier.

When you notice any signs of pregnancy in your rottweiler dog, you must reach out to your vet by this stage. This is where it is confirmed that your dog is pregnant. The vet can recommend measures to prevent potential complications. 

Week 4

At this stage, the embryos will have distinct forms. The limb buds of the embryos, which would eventually become legs, start to develop. You may even see their facial features. The abdomen of the mother will carry on to develop. Also, you may see a slight increase in weight.

Lots of Rottweiler dogs’ appetites increase by the fourth week as their developing puppies need more nourishment. So, you must ensure that the mother dog is eating enough and that you are feeding her the right diet. You may even see hormonally-driven behavioral changes. Some females become more protective, loving, and eager for attention.

Week 5

The fifth week will appear quite similar to the fourth one, but the hunger level may decline. This is because the mother rottweiler’s stomach is not big enough as it was. She would probably require extra nutrition, but you must ensure that she does not gain excess weight. 

Ways to Look After a Rottweiler in Pregnancy 

If you feel your Rottweiler will become a mother, you must consider extra care and nurture. Below are some of the valuable tips to look after a pregnant rottweiler dog:

  • Take your Rottweiler to a vet as you realize they will give birth. The vet will conduct a few tests to ensure proper health for labor.
  • Rottweilers require sufficient nutrition along with a healthy diet during pregnancy. As previously said, owing to hormonal shifts, your expecting Rottweiler may lose her appetite. If this happens, you’ll need to be compelling and imaginative while feeding them. During pregnancy, ensure she consumes a minimum of 22 percent protein or 1600 kcal per pound of food. Raw dog food is also a better alternative to processed meals.
  • Raise the food consumption of your expecting Rottweiler as the pregnancy ends. A pregnant rottweiler needs a good amount of strength during labor and high nutrition to feed her offspring.
  • At the start of the 5th week, raise the food consumption of the mother dog weekly by 5-10 percent. By the 6th week, raise her fat intake by offering more red meat like beef, pork, and duck.
  • Focus on exercise as it helps strengthen the dog’s body and create muscles. It also lessens boredom and even helps burn out excess energy.
  • During post-pregnancy, the storage of her stomach would be minimized. So, you must give her a small, frequent amount of food throughout the day. This way, she will feel the entire day.
  • Pregnancy is expected to result in back pains. Massage can be a great pain reliever for female rottweilers after pregnancy. So, consider adding that to your mother’s Rottweiler’s daily routine.


Maybe now you have learned something about how long rottweilers are pregnant and how to take care of the expecting dog. For healthy delivery of your pregnant Rottweiler, you must keenly focus on diet and physical exercises.

In search of a breeder who can provide you with healthy, purebred rottweilers? Vom Hause Stan is the one-stop destination. Find the perfect pet for your home at the most affordable pricing. All our rottweilers are vaccinated and disease-free. Start your adoption journey with us and get the best, loyal companion for your home. Reach us directly at (425) 329-9996 for more information.

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What is the Lifespan of a Rottweiler? Can we Increase its Lifespan? https://vomhausestan.com/what-is-the-lifespan-of-a-rottweiler/ https://vomhausestan.com/what-is-the-lifespan-of-a-rottweiler/#respond Thu, 11 Jan 2024 12:16:12 +0000 https://vomhausestan.com/?p=4254 Petting a dog is something that makes you feel joyous. You have a new member in the family who is obedient and loyal, as well as who protects your entire home. If you want to adopt a dog with all these qualities, go for a rottweiler. You may be exploring this dog breed a long …

What is the Lifespan of a Rottweiler? Can we Increase its Lifespan? Read More »

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Petting a dog is something that makes you feel joyous. You have a new member in the family who is obedient and loyal, as well as who protects your entire home. If you want to adopt a dog with all these qualities, go for a rottweiler. You may be exploring this dog breed a long time ago and may have some questions in mind.

One common question that often comes to mind when petting a dog is: How long will it live? Here, we will walk you through the lifespan of a Rottweiler and what you can do to keep it in the healthiest condition.

What is the Average Lifespan of a Rottweiler Dog?

The worst nightmare you will have as a rottweiler owner is losing your pet. What is the lifespan of a rottweiler? This is one of the pressing questions you may have in mind from the day you brought your furry friend.

On average, a rottweiler dog is expected to live between 8 to 10 years. We can even say that a rottweiler’s life is shorter than other dog breeds of comparable size and weight.

If you have a female rottweiler as a pet, she is expected to live longer than a male. A female rottweiler can live two years more than a male rottweiler. Are you looking to bring a rottweiler dog to your home? Then, you may want to have a female dog who will live around 8 to 12 years.

Health problems like arthritis, heart failure, breathing problems, and reproductive problems are common in rottweilers. But, you can avoid these problems by providing proper nourishment and plenty of exercise for your routine.

Life Cycle of a Rottweiler

Like every dog breed, the life cycle of a rottweiler goes through 4 stages. Here is an explanation of these life stages that you should know as an owner:

Puppy Stage

Generally, the rottweiler’s puppy stage starts when they are born and lasts till they are 18 months of age.

Like all other breeds, rottweilers are blind and deaf as they are born. In the earliest eight weeks of the dog’s life, they must spend most of the time with their mother. They cannot control their body temperature. So, their mother plays a big role in the growth and development phase.

Adolescent Stage

As the rottweiler reaches adolescence, they are at the start of their teenage years. The training that you give them during the adolescent stage is essential. This dog breed is very obedient but may even disobey you if you do not train them well.

When your rottweiler is ready to get trained during this stage, it ensures they already have the necessary knowledge to be great family dogs.


The rottweiler becomes much simpler to handle when it reaches the adulthood stage. As they complete the proper training, adulthood is the right time to discover the hobbies and activities they like. Rottweilers enjoy the outdoors and will have the most energy at this time of its life. The outdoor activities can be swimming or trekking.

Rottweilers thrive on mental stimulation and physical activity. They’ll develop a profound trust in their capability to protect you and your loved ones.


As your adult rottweiler reaches this age, it will likely be less energetic. It won’t be as interested in running as it once was. But your pet might like a quiet stroll.

When your rottie turns senior, you should consider routine vet visits to ensure the best health of your pet.

Make changes in your rottweiler’s diet, which can help increase their lifespan. You can also prefer supplements as certain foods might be hard on their stomach as they age.

Also Read: Are Rottweilers Hypoallergenic? Here is the answer

What Factors Affect the Lifespan of your Rottweiler?

For years, rottweilers have been the best guard dogs, guide dogs, and rescue dogs. As discussed above, rottweiler dogs have a shorter lifespan than other dog breeds. The following factors are also responsible for a rottweiler dog’s lifespan:


A Rottweiler’s fast development is considered a disadvantage since a large-sized dog is more likely to suffer health problems. Rottweilers are prone to numerous ailments, including cancer, because of their young age. Also, orthopedic issues, a deep chest, and bloating are common in this breed.

Cancer is common, occurring as a result of unusual cell proliferation due to rapid aging. As a result, a Rottweiler with a slew of ailments will have a shorter lifetime than a healthy Rottweiler.


Genes are another crucial factor that determines the lifespan of a rottweiler dog. In this situation, the role of good breeders becomes crucial. When a Rottweiler is properly bred using specimens with few or no inherited abnormalities, the ensuing rottweiler will be healthier than those produced by careless breeding.


Compared to females, male Rottweilers are bigger. Therefore, female Rotties live longer than male rottweilers. A fully grown male Rottweiler would weigh around 135 pounds. This means that every 4.4 pounds of rottweiler lost equals one month of life expectancy. A female Rottweiler weighing around 100 pounds lives longer than a male who weighs 135 pounds.


The environment also plays a role in increasing or decreasing the life of your rottie. Regular exercise, good nutrition, and a well-balanced diet help your dog live longer. When there is an active and healthy environment, it lets your dog reduce some extra pounds. This leads to less pressure on the dog’s heart.

What are the Best Ways to Raise the Lifespan of Your Rottweiler?

There are many tips that you, as an owner, can consider to lessen the chances of your rottweiler becoming ill. This will eventually extend your dog’s life. Some of the most common ways to keep your dog healthy and ensure a longer lifespan are:

  • Go to a trustworthy breeder
  • Give your pet high-quality food
  • Begin with large-breed puppy food
  • Safeguard their joints
  • Introduce regular exercises
  • Keep up a healthy weight for the dog
  • Take your Rottie to the veterinarian regularly


The life of a rottweiler dog is merely 9 to 10 years. It may seem shorter than dog breeds like Labrador retrievers and German shepherds. Bigger dogs tend to have a shorter life expectancy than small ones. A rottweiler dog is susceptible to many health issues, such as heart failure, breathing problems, and arthritis. This ultimately results in a shorter lifespan. But, you can prevent all these by getting the dog from a reputed breeder, feeding them quality food, and keeping a healthy weight.

Are you seeking a trustworthy breeder to buy a good-looking and healthy rottweiler? Vom Hause Stan is here for you. We let you adopt the best purebred and vaccinated Rottweilers for your home. You can choose from a variety of options, including Sires or Dames. Call now at (425) 329-9996 for more information.

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Are Rottweilers Hypoallergenic? Here is the answer https://vomhausestan.com/are-rottweilers-hypoallergenic/ https://vomhausestan.com/are-rottweilers-hypoallergenic/#respond Mon, 08 Jan 2024 09:09:52 +0000 https://vomhausestan.com/?p=4248 Having a pet like a dog can boost your mental and emotional health. It offers a great deal of unconditional love and companionship, as well. But you should also be aware that the new furry friend can make you ill through allergies.  Those looking to adopt a rottweiler dog often have numerous questions in mind. …

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Having a pet like a dog can boost your mental and emotional health. It offers a great deal of unconditional love and companionship, as well. But you should also be aware that the new furry friend can make you ill through allergies.

Those looking to adopt a rottweiler dog often have numerous questions in mind. Are rottweilers hypoallergenic? This is one of the most asked questions. Well, rottweilers are not hypoallergenic. They shed in moderation all through the year. Moreover, they spew saliva due to their jowls or slack upper lips, which can be an allergy source. Therefore, the dog’s loose fur, dander, and saliva may cause allergic reactions in those who are sensitive to allergies.

Here is everything about how rottweilers can trigger allergies and the ways to reduce these triggers.

What do you Understand by the term Hypoallergenic?

Hypoallergenic dogs are those that are less susceptible to inducing allergic reactions in humans. Reminder- No dog is completely hypoallergenic because they all shed to varied levels and create some dander and saliva. As per the American Kennel Club, no dog breed is fully hypoallergenic. The proteins that result in allergies are found in every dog’s saliva and skin. Some breeds, however, are better suited for people with allergies. A rottweiler will have low-shed furs, less dander problems, and less salivating.

Is It Difficult to Handle a Rottweiler Dog?

Rottweilers may have a bad reputation. But they are no more likely to be aggressive than any other breed. Without proper training and socialization, any dog may become dangerous. But rottweiler dogs are a very protective breed that does not do well with strangers. They will not, however, attack unless they are not provoked.

They are just not very welcoming of strangers but are loving, playful, and loyal to their families. Also, in comparison with other dog breeds, they are very costly. Their insurance may also be pricey, not to mention that they have a big size and a voracious appetite.

One of the disadvantages of owning this dog breed is associated with their health. They are susceptible to several health issues. In addition to that, their aggressive nature and their need for regular training are other things to consider. A rottweiler demands a high level of attention when training them. This helps them to keep them mentally stimulated and less prone to destruction.

Reasons Why Rottweiler Dogs are Not Hypoallergenic

Rottweiler dogs are not Hypoallergenic. When it comes to inducing allergies in people, rottweiler dogs rank somewhere in the middle. Here are some of the reasons why this dog breed is not hypoallergenic:

  • A rottweiler shed in moderation during the year. In the spring and fall seasons, they shed too much when they blow off their fur to adjust to the changing temperature.
  • These dogs usually have smooth fur, shedding less compared to other dog breeds. However, they have a fair amount of undercoat around the neck and thigh. This is where a majority of shedding takes place.

Saliva can result in rashes to people if the dog licks their fur. It can even happen if someone touches a toy that has been contaminated with the dog’s saliva. Dander may flow in the air around your home and may easily be inhaled. If somebody inhales it, it may trigger a runny nose or a sneezing fit. Loose fur can occur because of dust and other tiny particles.

Signs And Symptoms Of Rottweiler Allergy

A person who has ever experienced pet allergies may tell you it is a nightmare. Allergies may not seem like a big concern to those who have never experienced them. However, those who have the signs regularly can see a decline in their quality of life. The signs of rottweiler allergies can be:

  • Coughing and wheezing
  • Sneezing
  • Itchy skin or skin rashes
  • Pain from nasal congestion
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Breath shortage

Also Read: Do Rottweilers Shed A Lot? How To Take Care Of Them?

What Leads To Rottweilers Shedding?

Rottweilers do not shed too much, but they shed moderately year-round. Here are some of the factors that result in rottweiler shedding: 


Rottweiler’s fur becomes thinner with time. This is part of their aging process. When their coat turns thin, this leads to more shedding as they lose more hair. As soon as the dogs reach a certain age, they may not be able to move like they once before.

Natural grooming can occur when the dog licks themselves or rubs against objects. Since aged dogs are unable to do such things, their hair may gather more, and dander may accumulate. This leads to trouble for people suffering from allergies.


MC5R and RSPO2 are the two genes that are behind a dog’s shedding. Rottweiler dogs have these genes. Thus, they are likely to shed more. Take a glance at your dog’s parents and see whether they shed more or not. This will help you learn how much your rottweiler puppy will shed.


Diet is among the key factors you must consider. What your rottweiler pup eats during the day will help them stay active. Protein is the major ingredient that you should focus on. Your rottweiler’s diet must have 22 to 28% protein. It can help your dog build muscles and also decrease shedding. There can be a decline in excess shedding by incorporating a heavy protein diet for your rottweiler dog.

How Can You Lessen Rottweiler Allergy In the House?

Rottweilers shed, spreading dander and trigger allergic symptoms all around your home. But you can avoid this by considering the following tips and tricks.

Use A HEPA Filter Vacuum Cleaner To Vacuum Regularly

When you vacuum regularly, you can easily get rid of dust. A HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter vacuum cleaner can help avoid the recirculation of dust into the air.

Bring The Proper Tools Into Play

As you have the right brush to groom your rottie, you assure the ideal safety of their fur and skin. Some brushes come with sharp pins or teeth, which may poke their skin, causing irritation and hair loss ultimately.

For light shedding throughout the year, get a slicker brush and a de-shedding tool to cope with the undercoat during fall and autumn.

Get A Hepa Filter Air Purifier

Air purifiers that come with HEPA filters trap small particles in the air. These can be loose fur, dander, and dust mites, which can flow within the house or surroundings.

A majority of air purifiers and portable air conditioners have a HEPA filter that may filter out any allergens. Also, some have UV light filters that destroy germs and take out odors.

Regularly Wash Clothes, Bedding, and Covers

Loose fur is likely to easily gather in fabrics. Thus, changing your bedding, covers, and clothes becomes important if you observe plenty of furs stuck to them. This will substantially lessen any allergic reaction.


A rottweiler dog as a pet brings a lot of responsibilities. While adopting a rottweiler, you may wonder-are rottweilers hypoallergenic? No, rottweiler dogs are not hypoallergenic. This dog breed is double-coated, which can spread allergens inside your house and other areas. They take off their fur during the peak shedding seasons, but not so heavily. This is one of the reasons rottweilers are not hypoallergenic. Still, rottweilers make great dog companions.

Looking for the same dog breed to keep as a pet? Vom Hause Stan is a trustable organization that offers purebred rottweilers. All rottweiler puppies that we have are vaccinated, disease-free, and in excellent living settings. No need to go further than Vom Hause Stan for the ideal rottweiler pet. Contact our breeders today at (425) 329-9996 for further information.

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Do Rottweilers Shed A Lot? How To Take Care Of Them? https://vomhausestan.com/does-rottweilers-shed-a-lot/ https://vomhausestan.com/does-rottweilers-shed-a-lot/#respond Wed, 20 Dec 2023 10:27:43 +0000 https://vomhausestan.com/?p=4232 A rottweiler dog makes the perfect pet because of their loyal and protective nature. But, like any breed, rottweilers have special features and requirements that need care and attention. A new rottweiler owner or a person considering adopting a rottweiler has many doubts about the breed. One of the most asked questions among them is, …

Do Rottweilers Shed A Lot? How To Take Care Of Them? Read More »

The post Do Rottweilers Shed A Lot? How To Take Care Of Them? appeared first on Vom Hause Stan.

A rottweiler dog makes the perfect pet because of their loyal and protective nature. But, like any breed, rottweilers have special features and requirements that need care and attention. A new rottweiler owner or a person considering adopting a rottweiler has many doubts about the breed. One of the most asked questions among them is, “do rottweilers shed a lot?”

Well, it can take a lot to maintain a rottweiler dog. Since every dog is unique, a rottweiler has unique care requirements that you should know. First and foremost, you should be aware that this breed has a thick double coat that sheds moderately during the year. It may shed excessively over the shedding years. Let us know more about when Rottweilers shed and why they shed more than usual.

When Do Rottweilers Shed Most?

Rottweilers shed moderately at various times of the year. However, they are likely to shed excessively during seasonal changes. Spring and fall are the two major shedding seasons. Rottweilers shed their winter fur during these times to create a way for a lighter coat for warmer months.

Shedding helps these dogs to adapt to temperature shifts and efficiently regulate their body heat. During spring, they shed their winter fur to prepare for colder months. This type of shedding allows the rottweilers to stay cool during summer by taking off excessive fur.

In the fall, these dogs shed their summer coats to prepare for the winter. They grow thicker fur for the colder months. This will give them good insulation all through the chilly winter days.

Why Rottweilers Shed More?

A Rottweiler has a coat that is susceptible to shedding. However, if your dog sheds more than others, not associated with the changing seasons, there can be other causes for shedding:


Environmental or dietary changes will likely happen to a dog breed like a Rottweiler. Allergies generally don’t result in shedding themselves. However, they may dry the skin or make it itchy. Thus, your dog will scratch and raise shedding.

It might be hard to pinpoint the precise cause of your rottweiler’s excessive shedding in the spring, as allergies are frequently accompanied by seasonal shedding. Allergies might be the cause if your rottweiler is scratching a lot, exhibits symptoms of dry skin like dandruff, and sheds fur often.

Too Much Washing

Excessive washing of your rottweiler with shampoo may result in more shedding than usual. A rottweiler has a slightly oily, water-resistant coat by nature. You must use a shampoo designed especially for dogs. Buy the one that is mild and has a good pH balance. Washing your rottweiler should only be done once every 3 to 4 weeks or when they become dirty.

Wrong Diet

Food allergies can be a result of a poor diet. This can cause more shedding to your rottweiler. It may also lead to shedding if you don’t provide your dog with the proper diet to keep up a lush coat.

If you ever see that your dog is shedding more hair following a diet change, switch to a high-quality diet. The diet should include soothing grains such as oatmeal and oils such as flaxseed oil and fish oil.


While they feel anxiety, your rottweiler may shed. Even though they are not specifically an anxious breed, rottweiler dogs are likely to take life seriously in many aspects.

Your dog can be under stress because of the presence of new pets or people around. This can contribute to setting off their protective instincts and create confusion about how they should behave. Rottweilers may even feel anxious or freak out in situations like a veterinarian or groomer visit.

Weather And Temperature

Rottweiler dogs can shed more due to changing weather or temperature. They naturally tend to adjust their fur to give better insulation in winter or shed excess hair in summer.

Also Read: When and what to feed a Rottweiler puppy?

Factor You Need To Know About Shedding

How your rottweiler dog will shed depends on various factors. These factors can be age, gender, sex, and body part. The other factors may include the dog’s overall nutrition, health, and environmental factors.

Various factors, like the dog’s parentage and the chosen breed, are the factors you cannot change. If your rottweiler is short-haired, it will not shed more. But, if it is a long-haired rottweiler, then it will.

There are other factors on which you can have some level of control. Your dog’s health, diet, and environment are some of these factors. You can make adjustments in these areas to ensure that your rottie is in perfect shape.

What To Know When Bathing And Grooming Your Rottweiler?

Regular bathing can aid in keeping the fur of your dog clean and healthy. This lessens the possibility of too much hair loss. Never over-bathe your rottweiler, or it may strip the coat of natural oils. To know the proper bathing schedule for your dog, speak to an expert like a veterinarian.

Tips To Reduce Your Rottweiler’s Shedding?

Rottweilers tend to shed to an extent due to their coat. They mainly shed in the spring and fall season. Here are some useful tips to reduce the shedding of your dog:

Maintain Proper Hydration Of Your Dog

Make sure that your rottweiler is drinking enough water during the day. You should not ignore hydration as it is closely related to shedding. A rottweiler or any other dog breed may shed more due to dehydration.

Lower Stress And Anxiety

Not to mention, stress is the key factor contributing to excess hair loss in your rottweiler. It may not be easy to manage stress. We know the brave and protective nature of rottweilers. But we should not overlook the fact that a lot of pups have separation anxiety. Excess hair loss can occur if your dog feels anxious while waiting for you to come home.

Brush Your Dog Regularly

You can avoid shedding by brushing your dog once a week using a soft brush. But, during spring and fall, which is the rottweiler shedding season, you must raise the frequency of brushing. There are instances where it can be beneficial to brush daily.

With regular brushing, you can get rid of the loose hair. You can see the change in the undercoat where hair can really accumulate. Try brushing outside so that your dog does not leave any hair ends within your house. Go out, in a park, with your dog to groom him nicely.


You can give your rottweilers certain supplements. These can help them fulfill their daily nutrient requirements that other foods don’t. If your dog has any nutrient deficiency, you can consider a supplement. But, before you give anything like this, consult your veterinarian.


You have undeniably great responsibilities when you are petting a rottweiler dog. Seasonal changes, anxiety, diet, and allergies are a few factors causing your rottweiler to shed. Regular brushing, proper hydration, and supplements may significantly minimize rottweiler shedding.

Want to adopt a rottweiler? Reach out to Vom Hause Stan. We breed rottweilers ethically and help families looking for perfect paw friends adopt a purebred Rottie. Want to adopt a pawsome rottweiler? Give us a call at (425) 329-9996.

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When and what to feed a Rottweiler puppy? https://vomhausestan.com/what-to-feed-rottweiler-puppy/ https://vomhausestan.com/what-to-feed-rottweiler-puppy/#respond Mon, 11 Dec 2023 11:47:43 +0000 https://vomhausestan.com/?p=4221 Your rottweiler dog needs nutrition to be at its best in growing years. Since it is a big responsibility to give food to your rottweiler, you must consider the right quantity and time of the day. Make sure you serve the size that its small tummy can accommodate. At last, you can have a strong, …

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Your rottweiler dog needs nutrition to be at its best in growing years. Since it is a big responsibility to give food to your rottweiler, you must consider the right quantity and time of the day. Make sure you serve the size that its small tummy can accommodate. At last, you can have a strong, healthy adult Rottweiler. What to feed a rottweiler puppy? Here is a detailed explanation of the same.

When Should You Feed Your Rottweiler Pup?

Puppies often require a higher daily calorie intake in a distinct nutritional formula than adult dogs. As your puppy gets older, the exact amount of food you give them might differ as often as once a month. Unless your vet instructs you otherwise, always give your puppy food according to the manufacturer’s feeding recommendations if it is whole and balanced.

For a rottweiler pup who is 4 to 5 months old, prefer serving 3 times a day. You can switch to twice a day if it does not eat 3 times.

Rottweiler Nutritional Requirements

A balanced diet is what you should consider for your rottweiler. This would be highly beneficial for their growing stages and energy needs. Give your puppy optimal health by offering them the right amount of protein, essential fatty acids, carbs, vitamins, and minerals. Let us talk about them in brief:

You can get a lot of protein from quality meat sources, like beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, eggs, etc.

  • Prefer giving them carbohydrate sources like vegetables, fruits, and fiber.
  • Feed foods rich in omega-3 and saturated fats to meet your pup’s fat requirement.
  • Keeping the dog hydrated is also vital, so you should prefer high-moisture foods and drinking water.
  • Provide natural vitamins and minerals by including foods like meat, bone, and some plant sources in your rottweiler’s diet.

In general, a rottweiler puppy must keep up a specific ratio of nutrients, which is:

  • Carbohydrates: 30% to 40%
  • Protein: 30% to 40%
  • Healthy fats: 15% to 20%

There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Since every dog is unique, the owner should discuss the right diet for your rottweiler puppy with your vet.

Food Options For Your Rottweiler

You must choose the right diet for your rottweiler. This is essential for their growth and wellness. While feeding your pet, try alternating different types of food. You can choose to feed your dog:

  • Chicken with bone and vegetables for 4 days a week
  • Feed a raw meaty bone for 1 or 2 days
  • Beef, elk, or buffalo with veggies for 3 days a week.
  • Deboned fish, deboned chicken puppy food

Can We Feed Rottweiler Dog Raw Meat?

Raw meat can be safe to incorporate into your rottweiler’s diet. But that is not always the case. This is just like when you have a hamburger. That raw pink-colored meat in the middle is full of protein, but it can even make you ill. The same is true in the case of a dog like a Rottweiler.

Raw meat has bacteria like E. Coli and Salmonella, which can harm your puppy’s health. In addition, puppies have a fragile immune system compared to adult dogs. So, feeding raw meat is more risky.

How Much To Feed A Rottweiler Puppy?

If your rottweiler weighs around 3 to 10 pounds, feed him 3 to 4 cups to 13/4 cups a day. When he is around 10 to 20 pounds, you can raise the quantity to 13/4 cups to 3 cups daily. Raise the quantity to 7 cups when your dog weighs about 40 to 60 pounds. Ensure that you check your pet’s weight on a routine basis so that you can adjust their food accordingly.

Besides the right food to feed the puppy, you should also consider taking him to the vet regularly.

Also Read: How To Socialize A Rottweiler Puppy? The Ideal Ways

Home Cooked Dog Food Vs. Manufactured Dog Food

You have two good alternatives for your rottweiler dog: home-cooked or manufactured foods. Here are some of the top features of both:

Home-Cooked Foods

One of the best advantages of preparing homemade foods is that it allows you to customize your dog’s dietary needs. Also, while preparing such meals, you have full control over the ingredients. This ensures that they are of top-grade quality and fresh.

It can be exciting to cook meals for your pet, and it also lets you build a strong connection. This is a great opportunity to spread extra love and affection towards your furry friend.

Preparing food for your rottweiler puppy may amuse you, but there are a few challenges. Everyday cooking can take a lot of your time, which can be hectic for busy owners. Also, not every rottweiler owner is aware of the perfect dog diet that is well-balanced. So, it is good to take guidance from experts like vets or pet nutritionists.

Manufactured Dog Food

The best thing about manufactured food is that they are super easy to serve. All you have to do is simply open the can and pour it into your pet’s bowl.

You can find a wide variety of dog foods. So it is easy to find one that meets your dog’s specific needs.

When you get manufactured dog food, you provide your dog with every essential nutrient. This will help fulfill his daily dietary requirements.

Thinking of buying such food products for your rottweiler? Keep in mind two things: cost and quality. It may burn a hole in your pocket if you buy dog food of the highest quality. But such products would be great for your dog’s health. If you are looking for budget-friendly and high-quality rottweiler food, click here.

Considerations To Know When Feeding Your Pup

The appetite of a rottweiler puppy can be unpredictable. There can be a day when your pup wants to eat a lot, and after that particular day, they may not eat much. It is quite normal in the case of rottweiler dogs. But, if your pup is not eating much on a regular basis, consider taking it to a veterinarian.

You should always be aware of your rottweiler’s needs, which is really important. Ensure to add a good amount of calcium to their diet. When you ensure that your rottweiler gets the ideal amount of calcium, it can have strong bones and joints. You can also expect better vision and brain health for your dog.

For proper calcium absorption, your pet should also get enough phosphorus and vitamin D. Consider giving your dog around 3 grams of calcium for every 1000 calories.

What Else To Consider?

Likewise, every dog breed, including Rottweilers, can have special dietary requirements. Some are sensitive to certain foods, so you need to discard specific ingredients from their diet chart. Other dogs may want food that is easy to digest or formulas that cater to their skin and fur health.

You should also keep weight management in mind. This is particularly because rottweilers are dogs with a vigorous appetite and are susceptible to gaining weight.


Whether you choose homemade or manufactured dog foods, you should always consider your dog’s age and the right quantity to serve. Failing to meet your puppy’s everyday nutritional requirements may hinder their growth. Rottweilers are naturally strong and muscular. But they are also likely to put on weight if you don’t take care of their diet.

Are you interested in adopting a Rottweiler puppy? If yes, Vom Hause Stan is the place to go. We help people adopt the healthiest and purebred rottweiler puppies. Whether you are looking for Sires or Dames, Vom Hause Stan is the place to adopt your next rottweiler puppy from! For adoptions, connect at (425) 329-9996 today.

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How To Socialize A Rottweiler Puppy? The Ideal Ways https://vomhausestan.com/how-to-socialize-a-rottweiler-puppy/ https://vomhausestan.com/how-to-socialize-a-rottweiler-puppy/#respond Sat, 02 Dec 2023 11:52:42 +0000 https://vomhausestan.com/?p=4209 A Rottweiler can be a great dog to keep as a pet. Many families prefer Rottweilers to guard their houses well. They are innately skilled at protecting in case any uncertain situation arises.  However, a stigma is also attached to this breed that they are likely to become aggressive. But, these dogs may become hostile …

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A Rottweiler can be a great dog to keep as a pet. Many families prefer Rottweilers to guard their houses well. They are innately skilled at protecting in case any uncertain situation arises.

However, a stigma is also attached to this breed that they are likely to become aggressive. But, these dogs may become hostile if they are given proper training. These dogs are too sweet and show immense loyalty towards their families.

Most often, owners struggle to make their rottweiler socialize and be less aggressive as it grows. If you fail in this, it may result in problems later on. Your pet may show a negative picture of being turbulent or dangerous. Thus, providing your puppy with good training is important to make it friendlier with others. Let us learn more about how to socialize a rottweiler puppy.

About Rottweiler Breed

A rottweiler can make a perfect pet as it is intelligent and dependable. This dog has two colors, with shiny black as its major. In addition, they have unique reddish-brown spots above their eyes.

Rottweilers have a strong physique, and they are quite muscular. A male rottweiler may weigh around 110 to 130 pounds, whereas a female one may weigh anywhere from 77 to 110 pounds. Compared to other dog breeds like German Shepherds, Rottweilers have a more powerful bite.

Importance Of Socializing A Rottweiler Puppy

Socializing your rottweiler is an important aspect of its growing years. It will help develop the dog’s positive behavior and temper. Aside from this, proper socialization even helps create positive connections with others, including animals and settings. This will result in a well-mannered dog in adulthood.

When you focus on socialization, you can ensure less risk of behavioral issues like fearfulness and aggressiveness. You should expose your dog to various experiences in a favorable and controlled manner.

What Are The Risks Of Not Socializing Rottweilers?

There have been many instances of rottweiler attacks. Not just other people, but they have attacked their owners, too. All these instances label rottweilers as one of the most dangerous breeds after pit bulls. Situations like these can indeed happen. But, it may be unfair to stigmatize the Rottweiler breed as a whole in light of just a handful of incidents.

Tips To Make Your Rottweiler Super Friendly

Socialization is important for your puppy’s growth and adaptation to other people or animals. Here are a few useful tips and tricks that may help your rottweiler to social effectively:

Invite People

You must often invite others to meet your puppy. Ask them to give your pet some goodies and other things he likes. For example, a toss of the ball. Ensure he meets people of every age group, from small kids to older adults.

Socialize Often

As early as possible, ensure that your pet often meets with others. You will receive some helpful tips from this approach on how to ensure that all of your bases are covered.

Fun Ways

Your pet should be familiar with some nice fun tricks. People are indeed likely to become frightened by this dog breed. But, with some amusing tricks, you can have more friendly and pleasant interactions.


You can even prefer taking your pet to any dog-friendly event full of people. Ask someone to give your pet something to eat when you are standing away from the crowd. Your rottweiler puppy will be more willing to meet new people if he has positive experiences with more individuals.

Vet Office

Consider visiting a veterinarian and rewarding yourself with goodies and other motivations. Request assistance from the staff by having them compliment and offer your pet plenty of love.

Observe Body Language

The owner should be wary of the rottweiler’s body language. If you watch signs of stress, step back and have a more favorable experience.

Introduce Different Sounds

You must play sounds like fireworks, sirens, or home appliances at not so high volume. It will help your pet to adjust without fear.

Also Read: All About Rottweiler Common Health Problems, Care, And Treatment

Other Methods To Try To Help Socialize A Rottweiler

When you give your Rottweiler proper training, he will obey and learn from you. You can also consider the following methods to make your pet a more sociable creature.

Puppy Classes

Puppy classes help teach your pet to focus on you when with other dogs. These can even help the dog enjoy some happy, supervised playtime.

Doggy Daycare

Providing doggy daycare is another method that can work well for your rottweiler puppy. You will have the assistance of trained handlers to supervise your pet while he interacts with others. Your dog might demand some remedial work. For that, a doggy daycare facility may recommend the best trainers in your area.

Dog Park

A dog park can be a nice place to ensure your dog does not lose his social side. Select times when there are not many dogs at the park. At these times, there is no rush, hectic, or chaos.

The Wrong Ways Of Socialization For A Rottweiler

There are certain ways that may be counterproductive for your rottweiler. Fear, aggression, and anxiety are likely to arise. The following are a few ways of socialization that you should avoid:

Forced Interaction

Be it with other animals or people, you should avoid forcing your pet to interact. Your dog may fear and distrust you.

Lack Of Supervision

Giving proper supervision to your rottweiler puppy is important. If you don’t, it may be very risky for other people and animals.

Skipping The Vital Periods Of Socialization

The period between 3 and 14 weeks is crucial. If you neglect this period, your rottweiler might miss out on beneficial early experiences.

Overwhelming Environment

Do not take your rottweiler to places full of noises or chaos before they have experienced a calmer setting.

Overprotecting Your Dogs

If you are too protective of your rottweiler, then hold on. Being overprotective can stop your dog from learning and exploring. This can make them fearful in environments that are unknown to them.

Is It Good To Socialize Your Puppy With Older Dogs?

The short answer is yes. You can take the step of socializing your dog, which would be mutually beneficial for both you and your pet. But make sure that the older dogs are well-mannered and calm to avoid overwhelming your puppy.

How Often To Socialize The Dog?

As an owner, your aim should be to give consistent socialization. This may entail day-to-day interactions with various people, settings, and animals.


Socialization of your rottweiler is something that you should not ignore. This creates the foundation for their behavior and temperament as adults. By adhering to all the above-discussed “how to socialize a rottweiler puppy” tips, you may expect a well-rounded rottweiler in adulthood.

Be patient and understanding while socializing with your dog. Your aim should always be to make every interaction as pleasant as possible. This will ensure that your dog grows into a well-mannered and courteous adult.

Do you have a desire to adopt a rottweiler puppy? Vom Hause Stan is here for you. We are a renowned breeder in the community providing rottweiler dogs for sale. To know more about the prices, call (425) 329-9996 now.

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All About Rottweiler Common Health Problems, Care, And Treatment https://vomhausestan.com/rottweiler-common-health-problems/ https://vomhausestan.com/rottweiler-common-health-problems/#respond Wed, 29 Nov 2023 05:11:31 +0000 https://vomhausestan.com/?p=4189 When you adopt a dog, you must understand its needs, including its care, training, and, most importantly, its health concerns. Yes, knowing what health issues your dog can suffer from can help you greatly in raising them properly. This is true for all dogs, including Rottweilers. Rotties are pretty popular among US citizens because they …

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The post All About Rottweiler Common Health Problems, Care, And Treatment appeared first on Vom Hause Stan.

When you adopt a dog, you must understand its needs, including its care, training, and, most importantly, its health concerns. Yes, knowing what health issues your dog can suffer from can help you greatly in raising them properly. This is true for all dogs, including Rottweilers. Rotties are pretty popular among US citizens because they are loyal, intelligent, and caring. Rottweilers’ common health problems can vary greatly depending on how you raise them and where you adopt them.

Yes, raising is one thing, but adopting a healthy puppy from the right source also matters when it comes to their health concerns. A puppy adopted from a trusted Rottweiler breeder will be purebred, healthy, and properly vaccinated. Having such a perfect partner at your home can significantly reduce their chances of catching such health issues.

Most commonly, Rottweilers’ health issues are often related to the bones. For example, hip dysplasia, osteosarcoma, and osteochondritis dissecans are a few prevalent health problems in Rotties. Furthermore, Rottweilers are also prone to viral infections, such as parvovirus. In addition, adult-senior Rotties can catch eye problems like retinal atrophy and entropion.

So, the primary part of this post will consist of common health problems or issues among Rottweilers, with their symptoms and treatments. Furthermore, we will see what care methods you can implement so that you can reduce the risks of these diseases in your Rottie. However, before that, let’s get a general overview of Rottweilers, so you know what you are getting into.

An Overview Of Rottweilers

Before we learn the health problems and caring tips about Rottweilers, it’s crucial we know what this breed usually consists of. This includes their size, weight, temperament, energy level, grooming needs, and life span. Understanding this lets you know if your dog lacks any of these parts and if it concerns your puppy’s health.

SizeRottweilers breed is categorized under medium-large dogs. There is a bit of difference between male and female Rotties’ sizes. On average, a male Rottweiler can grow 24 to 27 inches. In comparison, female Rottweilers’ average height is about 22 to 25 inches.
WeightA male Rottie, on average, weighs around 90 to 135 pounds. In contrast, a female Rottie weighs about 75 to 100 pounds.
TemperamentRottweiler’s temperament is calm, confident, and courageous. They are extremely intelligent and loyal to their owner. Early socialization can help improve their personality and how they react around strangers and other dogs. 
Energy LevelWhen in a good mood, Rottweilers are highly energetic. They use expressions like growling or rumbling to express their happiness and let out their energy. You can enroll your dog in a swimming class to maintain its energy.   
Grooming needsYes, Rottweilers do have grooming needs. You must brush their fur at least one time per week. Other than that, you can use care products like shampoos and oils to keep your Rottie’s fur healthy. When it comes to bathing, one time per month is the recommended limit. Also, if they get dirty, you must bathe them during that time. Rottweilers shed in moderate amounts and can vary based on the season.
Life Span8 to 10 years


Common Health Problems In Rottweilers And Their Treatment

So, now you have a general idea of how a Rottweiler looks and what are their general characteristics and behaviours. With this in mind, you should be aware of the health problems which are common in Rottweilers and what treatments the healthcare providers use to treat these issues. While there are numerous health issues in Rotties, we will discuss mainly eight common health complications in a Rottweiler.

Canine Hip Dysplasia (CHD)

Hip dysplasia happens due to the fast growth of hips compared to thigh bones, which leads to weak hip joints. If you don’t treat your dog’s condition promptly, your pup can suffer from a severe illness such as degenerative joint disease (DJD). In most cases, a disease like hip dysplasia is a genetic problem in Rottweilers. This problem can worsen if your dog lacks daily exercise or is obese or overweight.

In a few cases, dogs have not experienced any pain due to this condition. Chances are your dog will live many years without facing any of its symptoms. Some symptoms of hip dysplasia in dogs include:

  • Lowered activity
  • Limping or lameness
  • Joint looseness
  • Dislocation of the hip joint
  • Narrow stance, etc.

Your Rottweiler’s veterinarian will diagnose this condition by manipulating their hind legs to spot any looseness, pain, or grating. If the doctor spots any abnormality, they may ask for a blood test and hip x-ray of your dog’s affected area.

If your Rottie case is not severe, diet supplementation and weight monitoring can help manage all these symptoms. This can further lead to the use of NSAIDs if the pain remains.

On the other hand, if your Rottie case is severe, your vet may perform a surgical procedure in order to reshape the joint or use prosthetic implants. Early diagnosis in such cases can lead to better control of symptoms. Talk to your vet if you notice any of that.

Elbow Dysplasia

This health condition is quite the same as hip dysplasia. Elbow dysplasia in Rottweilers occurs because of the displacement between the bone and the joint. Although the dislocation is not the same as patellar luxation, your Rottie can still experience pain, especially if the condition is severe.

Symptoms of this health complication are pretty similar to hip dysplasia. These symptoms are:

  • Legs lameness
  • Abnormal gait
  • Extreme pain
  • Immobility
  • Struggling to straighten the arm

The treatment for elbow dysplasia can differ based on the condition’s severity. While less invasive methods are available to treat this problem, sometimes doctors have to use surgery as the last option. Surgery for elbow dysplasia helps the cases where dogs experience extreme pain or decreased mobility. In most cases, these surgeries succeed and help your Rottie live a long, healthy life.

Subaortic Stenosis (SAS)

In a condition like subaortic stenosis, the area below the aortic valve turns narrow, forcing the heart to put in additional effort in order to maintain a healthy supply of blood to the rest of the body. For those unaware, the aorta is a large artery of the heart through which the blood is pumped out.

In case the narrowing is not too much, your dog’s heart will be able to adjust to the extra workload. Furthermore, there will be no symptoms. On the other hand, if your dog’s condition gets moderate or severe, they may face the following symptoms:

  • Lack of energy or fatigue
  • Fainting
  • Weakness after showing excitement or doing exercise
  • Difficulty breathing and coughing
  • Shortness of breath

As per veterinarians, the disease is part of a genetic disorder. If you see your pet acting strange or feeling weak many times a day, it’s better to call your vet. Your vet will physically examine the Rottie using a stethoscope to hear your pet’s irregular heartbeats. If the vet spots your pup is suffering from SAS, they will ask you to run tests like chest x-ray, ECG (Electrocardiogram), and Echocardiogram for your dog.

For mild cases, your doctor will only monitor your dog continuously. If the condition is moderate or severe, the vet will use medication to manage your pooch’s heart rate. On the other hand, for extreme conditions, your vet may run surgery to eliminate the fibrous malformations.


While you may not know this, cancer is said to be a common cause of death in Rottweilers, especially lymphoma. But there are a few other cancers, like bone, spleen, and liver cancer, which your dog is also prone to. However, what causes cancer in dogs is still an unknown factor.

Like how cancer can be treated in humans, dogs’ cancer can also be cured by destroying or removing the tumor using chemo or radiation therapy. Surely you would not want your pet to suffer because of this condition. However, even if your puppy develops cancer, you should know it can be treated successfully.

The cancer symptoms in Rottweiler can vary greatly. But, you must ensure you take your pet for a regular examination so there is no scope for tumor formation. In fact, a few vaccines are available for some dogs to help prevent cancer from forming.

Also Read: When Do Rottweilers Stop Growing? How To Ensure Good Health For Them?

Retinal Dysplasia

For those unaware, the retina is your Rottweiler’s rearmost part of the eyes. It comprises several receptors that help transform the data into electrical signals so your dog can interpret it. In some cases, a Rottweiler may not have the genes vital for the retina’s healthy development. And for that reason, the symptoms of this disease can vary based on the lacking genes.

The term retinal dysplasia is used to define all these abnormal retina growths. Now, talking about this ailment’s symptoms, it cannot be generalized as this disease has types too. The most common retinal dysplasia in Rotties is known as multifocal retinal dysplasia. When your dog’s condition is in this form, it will have defective receptors grouped in circles, streaks, or dots, which can lead to multiple visual impairments.

When the problem is in a mild state, your pet’s vision will be normal, with only some blind spots. However, if your pooch suffers from its aggressive form, which is total retinal dysplasia, in that condition, your Rottweiler will turn completely blind. This is because this health complication leads to complete retina detachment.

To tackle this disease, your vet will diagnose your dog’s condition using an ophthalmoscope. However, it is required that your dog is at least 12 to 16 months old so that a proper diagnosis of the retina can be made. For now, there is no cure for retinal dysplasia. But, whatever the case, your pet’s symptoms will not get worse after the retina matures.

Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)

While we have discussed retinal dysplasia, we must also be aware of PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy). In this condition, the receptors of your retina start deteriorating as time passes, which leads to a slow pace of vision loss.

Other than that, Rottweilers can develop two types of PRA: GPRA (Generalized progressive retinal atrophy) and CPRA (Central progressive retinal atrophy). Out of these, GPRA is more common in Rotties, where all the receptors start deteriorating, leading to complete blindness. This condition is usual in old-age Rottweilers.

Meanwhile, in CPRA, the Rottie will only lose its ability to see in low-light surroundings. However, their general vision stays pretty sharp. A few symptoms of PRA include:

  • Low vision at night
  • Cataracts formation
  • Struggling to follow hand commands
  • Regular bumping into furniture and walls
  • Hesitation to travel down the stairs

This disease can worsen as time passes. Therefore, if your Rottweiler has any of these symptoms, ensure you contact your vet.

The vet will diagnose PRA in your Rottweiler by running an ophthalmic examination that evaluates light responses. But, if you want a proper diagnosis for your pet, it is highly recommended that you go to a veterinary ophthalmologist, as they can perform an ERG (Electroretinogram). This test helps in precisely measuring your pooch’s retina’s electrical activity.

There is currently no cure available for PRA. However, a few vets may prescribe vitamins or antioxidant supplements to prevent any future complications. Although there is no science backing up using these products for your pet, it may still help them in the long run as they have no side effects.

Osteochondritis Dissecans

This condition is more common in canines that are of large size. As Rottweilers are also part of medium-large size dogs, osteochondritis dissecans occur throughout their joint areas. A Rottie becomes more prone to this condition when they are at the age of four to six months.

This is the age when their bones start stretching, and their cartilage turns into a joint. However, in a few cases, these bones grow faster or start growing without maintaining good alignment. Thus, this leads to bones breaking, pressing of bones against each other, or abnormal formation of joints.

Mostly, this health complication’s symptoms are similar to hip and elbow dysplasia. However, this condition can be more painful in case breaks or dislodging occurs when the bone pieces sit in open spaces or sockets.

Your vet may use an X-ray to detect these misalignments or breaks; in most cases, surgery is only open to correcting this problem. However, sometimes this OCD in dogs can worsen to a point where this treatment cannot be performed on them. And, due to this reason, a canine has to live with its wrongly formed bone frames.

Allergies (Folliculitis)

Rottweilers are generally not allergic to different things around them. However, dog coats are usually sensitive to products like shampoos as well as external factors such as dust, pollen, etc. For example, suppose you notice your Rottweiler is itching too much or there is a formation of red rashes on their body. In that case, chances are they may be suffering from folliculitis and canine allergies.

Folliculitis is a common skin condition that occurs when fungi or bacteria invade your dog’s tiny hair follicles. This health complication is visible to the eyes as red bumps, which are pretty similar to acne. You can spot them near your Rottweiler’s abdomen, armpits, and groin. As time passes, these red bumps can become bigger, leading to pus formation.

Furthermore, your pet may suffer from hair loss around the affected area and even some dark spot formation scattered around them. Folliculitis can occur in dogs who have come under contact with parasitic fungi or staph bacteria.

In addition, a Rottweiler is at more risk of developing this condition if they already have problems like other fungal or viral infections. Not only that, trauma can even play a role in it. Depending on this situation, a Rottie can face the following symptoms:

  • Redness
  • Hair loss
  • Pigmented spots
  • Pain and itching to touch
  • Swelling

If you notice such symptoms in your pup, isolate them from other pets in your house and take them directly to the vet.

As physical examination cannot diagnose skin conditions properly, your vet may request tests like skin biopsy, scraping, etc., for your canine. They may prescribe ointments, topical creams, and shampoos that consist of antifungal and antibiotic medications for the treatment. Furthermore, the vet may use supportive treatment and oral medications if your Rottie’s condition is severe.

Rottweiler Care: Exercise, Diet, And Routine Care

Now, you are aware of what are the common health problems in Rottweilers. However, you cannot do much for your canine by simply knowing about these health issues. So, what are the best ways you can help your Rottie in order to prevent these health issues? Well, the most obvious route you can take is taking care of their diet, ensuring they perform regular exercise, and their body needs are fulfilled, such as brushing their teeth, coat, and bathing timely.

Other than that, make sure to take them for regular examinations to their vet and see if they are getting adequately vaccinated whenever needed. Regular check-ups are highly essential for Rottweilers as they help spot if there is any scope of a disease developing in the body.

Developing routine care for your dog can help them immensely in keeping them healthy, happy, and having a long-lasting life. Regular exercise and proper diet are critical factors in keeping your dog healthy and disease-free. This is because obesity can make your pet prone to arthritis, cancer, and various other problems. Here are the things you can do to maintain the proper health of your Rottweiler:

  • Brush your dog’s teeth at least three times per week. 
  • Try to maintain an appropriate diet; avoid giving them human foods.
  • Provide them with a quality diet as per their group age and recommend diet by vets.
  • Make sure to create a daily exercise plan for your dog without overdoing it.
  • Avoid giving them tennis balls, ice cubes, bones, or hooves to chew on.

Things To Look Out For…

While we have mentioned what things you need to perform to maintain a healthy lifestyle for your Rottweiler, there are a few things you must look out for specifically. If you notice any of these things, ensure to give a call to your vet:

  • Chronic diarrhea or vomiting
  • Hair loss
  • Unexplained weight loss or weight gain
  • Itchy skin (licking or scratching)
  • Lumps, moles, and bumps
  • Wobbly or Unstable hind legs
  • Lameness or limping
  • Change in water consumption or appetite
  • Pot-belly appearance
  • Cloudiness, itching, or redness related to the eyes
  • Shaking or scratching the head, or ear discharge
  • Straining or inability to urinate
  • Difficulty breathing or coughing
  • Excessive sleeping or mental dullness
  • Behavioral changes or aggression

These are a few signs and symptoms which can lead to various health problems in Rottweilers. Therefore, calling your vet as soon as possible is good if these symptoms exist in your Rottweiler. Quick action by you and early diagnosis can help your Rottweiler greatly in preventing the condition from worsening. So, these were some caring tips for Rottweilers, which can help prevent the occurrence of health complications in them. Try following them without fail for the best results. 


Adopting a Rottweiler is only part of the starting journey of caring for it. In order to confirm your Rottie’s health and safety, you must be sure of what things you can expect in the future. Health problems are common in dog breeds, and Rottweilers are no exception. However, even if they are prone to health issues, you can still manage them with the proper care and diet. Therefore, if you have already adopted a Rottie or are thinking of adopting one, ensure you are aware of these facts so you can prepare yourself wholeheartedly.

A good pet care journey always starts with adopting a healthy and purebred Rottweiler puppy from the right source. At Vom Hause Stan, you can experience this as we have Rottweiler breeders with over ten years of experience. Our puppies are disease-free, wormed, vaccinated, and come with all the papers confirming all this. So, why wait when you can experience our puppies’ paws on your palms by contacting us at (425) 329-9996 or VomHauseStan@yahoo.com.

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When Do Rottweilers Stop Growing? How To Ensure Good Health For Them? https://vomhausestan.com/when-do-rottweilers-stop-growing/ https://vomhausestan.com/when-do-rottweilers-stop-growing/#respond Wed, 29 Nov 2023 04:40:55 +0000 https://vomhausestan.com/?p=4178 Are you a dog lover? You may well know about the rottweiler breed. A rottweiler is among the most recognizable dog breeds that you can come across. This breed also has more incredible traits than other dogs, making them popular. Nowadays, the rottweiler breed is quite famous all across the globe. But it came into existence …

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Are you a dog lover? You may well know about the rottweiler breed. A rottweiler is among the most recognizable dog breeds that you can come across. This breed also has more incredible traits than other dogs, making them popular.
Nowadays, the rottweiler breed is quite famous all across the globe. But it came into existence in the 1900s. The main purpose of creating the rottweiler breed was to pull heavy carts for driving cattle and farming. That’s why this breed has a good muscular composition.

A rottweiler dog stops growing in height between 18 and 24 months. But the dog’s weight continues to increase till the age of 3 years. The owners should be wary of their diet and give them the necessary diet, nutrition, and exercise. This will be helpful, and they won’t be at risk of obesity and other problems.

What Is The Expected Size Of A Full-Grown Rottweiler Dog?

A male rottweiler might be around 24 to 27 inches tall and weigh around 95 to 135 pounds. On the contrary, the female one may have a height of about 22 to 25 inches and a weight of about 80 to 100 pounds.

Genetics and environment are some factors that also play a part in the growth of a rottweiler. Thus, you can find Rottweilers that are too big or too small. Here, we present to you a rottweiler puppy growth and weight chart.

AgeHeight RangeWeight Range
8 weeks13 inch (34 cm)      13 lbs (6 kg)  
10 weeks15 inch (40 cm)      22 lbs (10 kg)
12 weeks18 inch (45 cm)      33 lbs (14 kg)
4 Months     19 inch (49 cm)      37 lbs (17 kg)
5 Months     21 inch (53 cm)      50 lbs (23 kg)
6 Months     23 inch (58 cm)      63 lbs (28 kg)
7 Months     24 inch (61 cm)      77 lbs (35 kg)
8 Months     24 inch (62 cm)      80 lbs (36 kg)
9 Months     24 inch (62 cm)      83 lbs (40 kg)
10 Months  24 inch (62 cm)      88 lbs (40 kg)
12 Months  25 inch (63 cm)      93 lbs (42 kg)
24 Months  25 inch (63 cm)      99 lbs (45 kg)

What Can You Do To Keep Your Rottweiler Dog Healthy?

For every rottweiler owner, their dog is someone they want to be happy and healthy. But for that, they must show great care towards them. Here are a few ways you can keep your dog fit and fine all day:

Avoid Leaving Him Alone

Rottweiler dogs don’t feel good when left alone. Most rottweilers suffer from separation anxiety. They want to be with the family, so it is good to always keep your dog with you. This will really keep him happy all day long.

Look After His Joints

Rottweiler dogs are likely to have joint issues. So, it is best to give them joint supplements. Make sure to take a veterinarian’s recommendation before giving them such supplements. You must also ensure they get plenty of exercise to keep their joints active. An overweight rottweiler may feel great strain on their joints. That’s why exercising is important for them.

Give Your Dog Some Job To Do

As we know, the rottweiler breed was created for farm work and has been doing so since its existence. This dog breed is good for pulling carts and doing police work. So, they have an innate desire to do something along with the intellect and energy associated with it.

Seek some kind of job for your rottweiler. This will give them the physical and mental stimulation they require. Moreover, it would also keep them from being violent.

Also Read: How Much To Feed A Rottweiler Puppy And A Full Grown?

Reasons Why Your Rottweiler Dog Is So Small?

If your rottweiler is not growing as per the expectations, there may be something wrong. Moreover, a rottweiler, which is small for their age, can be a concern. Other times, it is normal. Below are some reasons your rottweiler dog may be underweight:

Genetic Factor

There are some rottweiler dogs that are just likely to be smaller in size than others. Also, the dogs bred for petting purposes might be more expected to be small-sized than those bred to be working dogs or snow dogs.

Does your rottweiler dog have a narrow snout or a narrow chest? If yes, it is expected to have a lower weight. For determining your rottweiler’s weight or how much it will grow, consider the size of its parents or grandparents.

Not Given Enough Exercise

The rottweiler breed has a genetically muscular build. It grows in its own way, regardless of what the dog does. For your rottweiler dog to gain weight and put on muscles, it is important to consider muscle-building exercises. It may be a concern if the dog is not as muscular as an average rottweiler.

Rottweiler dogs are excellent at pulling weight. They can easily pull weight using the force of their whole body. In addition, they like to hike and jog. Before preparing any intense or highly focused exercise regime for them, consult with an expert veterinarian. If the rottweiler is too young, avoid putting too much pressure on their joints.

Inadequate Protein

A rottweiler needs a protein-rich diet to gain weight and build strong muscles. You should only give them puppy food till they are one year old. Rottweilers that get a good amount of exercise must also be given a diet that is highly rich in protein till they are two years old.

Buying a high-quality diet for your pet will also be good. This can have a great difference in your dog’s health and development.


A rottweiler dog must reach their full height when 24 months or 2 years old. Whatever height they eventually achieve, their weight may still increase or decrease.

Are you concerned about your rottweiler dog’s health? Then, you can go to a veterinarian with expertise in animal health and diet. You can also get pet products like orthopedic dog beds, large-breed harnesses, and dog training treats. All these are some simple tools that will be amazing for your pet.

Looking for rottweilers, litters, or adults for adoption? Vom Hause Stan is a reliable breeder you can count on. We have rottweilers in nearly every size, from small puppies to fully grown-ups. For more information, contact us at (425) 329-9996 or click here.

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How Much To Feed A Rottweiler Puppy And A Full Grown? https://vomhausestan.com/how-much-to-feed-a-rottweiler-puppy/ https://vomhausestan.com/how-much-to-feed-a-rottweiler-puppy/#respond Fri, 24 Nov 2023 05:59:52 +0000 https://vomhausestan.com/?p=4157 Rottweilers are amazing dogs with intriguing qualities. Being amazing guard dogs, Rotties are famous pets across the USA, and people love to have them as family members for many reasons. However, the key to a healthy and active rottweiler puppy and adult is the right nutrition. Thus, if you are considering adopting a rottie or …

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Rottweilers are amazing dogs with intriguing qualities. Being amazing guard dogs, Rotties are famous pets across the USA, and people love to have them as family members for many reasons. However, the key to a healthy and active rottweiler puppy and adult is the right nutrition.

Thus, if you are considering adopting a rottie or have recently become a parent to a rottweiler, here is everything you need to know to feed them right. Read this guide to learn how much to feed a rottweiler puppy and what food products to look for.

Rottweiler And Nutrition

It is a great responsibility to feed a rottweiler puppy. Their nutritional needs change as they grow and reach a certain age. The increasing age might also be a risk factor for many health problems. So, it is good to be aware of their diet and health in the early stages.

You should give your rottweiler puppy a quality and well-balanced diet. The goal that you should have in mind is to turn your little pup into a strong, active adult dog.

If you want to give dog food to your puppy, choose the right brand. Also, be certain about the portions to give in the entire day. This will help your little one to become stronger and healthier.

Feeding A Male Rottweiler

Compared to any other breed, feeding a rottweiler dog is more complex. The ideal diet for a rottweiler will depend on numerous factors. These may include age, gender, and level of exercise.

If you have a fully-grown male rottweiler, you may have to feed him more than a female one. The diet for a male one is a little more. But, if you own both a male and a female rottweiler, you cannot feed them the same amount of diet.

How Much To Feed A Rottweiler Puppy?

Normally, puppies must take in more calories daily in a different nutritional formula than grown-up ones. While your rottweiler puppy grows up, the quantity of food you offer might differ every month or two. Take into account the manufacturer’s feeding instructions when you are giving a complete and balanced large-breed puppy food. Remember to take a vet’s recommendation before feeding your puppy.

While feeding your dog a raw or homemade diet, you should consider working with a canine nutritionist. This helps in ensuring that your rottweiler puppy is consuming the ideal number of calories. It will also ensure he gets the right balance of carbs, vitamins, protein, and fats.

The ideal way to track the appetite of your rottweiler is to give them food for only a fixed time and see how quickly your puppy has it.

Feeding Your Rottweiler Puppy According To Age

When considering what and how much to feed your Rottweiler, you should consider its age. Take a glance at the below-mentioned points to get clarity on how much to feed your puppy according to age:

  • 2 month old puppy: 2-3 cups and 3 meals per day.
  • 3-month-old puppy: 2-3 cups and 3 meals per day.
  • 5 to 6 months old puppy: 3-5 cups and 2 meals per day.
  • 7 to 8 months old puppy: 4 to 6 cups and 2 meals per day.
  • 9 to 10-month-old puppy: 4 top 6 cups and 2 meals per day.

When Should You Start Giving Adult Food To Your Puppy?

In general, as a puppy ages 18 to 24 months, you can start considering an adult diet. But, in the case of Rottweilers, you may have to wait for a few months extra. Consider your dog’s weight and height to understand it better. As it reaches 90 percent of its height and weight of adulthood, you can think of switching to an adult diet. But you should not make a switch too soon.

Take some time before you introduce a new diet to your puppy. That’s because you do not want your Rottweiler to suffer from problems like diarrhea. So, you can give them a small amount of the new food in the early phases. After a week or two, you can gradually increase the amount.

Ensure that the adult food should have a good amount of protein. The diet should not have any cheap fillers or animal by-products.

Can We Feed Eggs To Rottweiler Puppies?

Like any other dogs, rottweilers can eat scrambled or hard-boiled eggs. Cooked eggs are also a great choice to add to their diet. Eggs are a great source of protein, vitamins, and fatty acids. Overall, whole eggs are nutritious for rottweiler puppies. But you should avoid feeding them raw eggs.

Foods That You Should Avoid Feeding

There are some foods that may be poisonous for Rottweilers if given in higher dosages. For example:

  • Avocado 
  • Milk 
  • Grapes and raisins 
  • Nicotine and caffeine 
  • Cabbage

How To Feed A Full-Grown Rottweiler?

If your rottweiler has fully grown, you need to have a fixed, regular feeding schedule. Control their diet and ensure that you are not overfeeding the pet. When your pet grows and reaches adulthood, you should feed him twice daily. Doing so will avoid overfilling his tummy with food and making him bloat.

There are allergic reactions that the dog may feel due to certain foods. If your rottweiler is feeling pain, itchiness, or flatulence while growing, you should focus keenly on his diet. Apart from diet, you also need to consider regular exercises for your dog to keep his weight under control.

What To Feed Your Adult Rottweiler Dog?

Feeding your rottweiler with a proper diet will result in a healthy and active dog. If your dog’s diet is good, their coat and skin will also look great. Here is what you can feed your full-grown rottweiler:

  • You must provide your dog with quality food, with meat as the key ingredient.
  • Ensure you don’t feed your pet with grains, by-products, or meat meal as the key ingredient. 
  • Remember to plan an exercise regime for your rottweiler dog. This will keep them from becoming obese or overweight.
  • Once your dog has reached full maturity, keep his feeding schedule regular.

What Are The Nutritional Requirements Of A Rottweiler?

As an owner of a rottweiler dog, you may also wonder what kind of diet you should plan to get optimal nutrition for them. You can think of giving them:

  • Essential fatty acids and omegas
  • High-moisture foods and drinking water
  • High-quality protein from sources like meat
  • Good amount of carbs from sources like herbs, berries, and vegetables
  • Natural minerals and vitamins from bone and plants.

Also Read: What Is The Temperament Of A Rottweiler? Should You Adopt One?

Is It Good To Feed Raw Meat To Your Rottweiler Dog?

There is no doubt that rottweilers are carnivores. You can give them raw meat and other raw foods to eat. As per research, dogs have carnivorous characteristics that let them break down raw meat protein faster when killing bacteria in decaying meat.

Rottweilers also have omnivorous capacity but are optimized for consuming meat. Your dog can feel safe and joyous with a diet rich in balanced raw meals.

What Raw Food To Feed Your Rottweiler?

Giving them raw food is beneficial. A raw diet is of 3 types, such as homemade, freeze-dried, and frozen. Here is what a raw dog food diet generally includes:

  • Organ meats
  • Bones
  • Meat protein
  • Allergy-free fruits and vegetables
  • Yogurt or other dairy products

What Are The Benefits Of Giving Raw Meals To Your Rottweiler?

As per a veterinarian, a raw meal diet can bring many positive effects on a dog’s health. Your rottweiler can have:

  • Improved skin
  • Bright eyes
  • Healthy weight
  • Stronger immune system
  • Increased agility
  • Lean, stronger muscles

Things To Remember When Feeding Raw Meals To Your Dog

Make sure that you consider and follow all these things when feeding your cute little rottweiler dog:

  • Give them small-sized raw bones that have many joints or ground bones. Strictly avoid feeding your pet cooked bones because they become softer when cooked and may splinter while chewing. Plus, you must avoid feeding them large-sized bones.
  • Before you feed your pet with anything like raw meat, clean them properly. Make sure to wash all the raw meats, including the organs and other raw ingredients.
  • You must be wary of the place from where you are buying the raw food products. Always buy from a trusted grocery store or butcher that maintains good cleanliness.
  • Go to a vet to get proper guidance on how to prepare the best diet for your pet. The vet may also recommend the right supplement foods that fulfill all the nutritional requirements of your dog.

How To Choose The Right Food For Your Rottweiler Dog?

Raw food is the best choice when seeking food for your rottweiler. It is a natural and whole-food diet for keeping the dog active throughout the day. It may even prevent a range of common health-related diseases like joint, digestive problems, obesity, etc.

Ensure to consider the canine anatomy and digestive system when choosing the right food for the pet. The dog’s digestive system is perfect for high protein diets, mainly having meat, offal, and bones.

Choose a balanced diet or a diet that is suitable for their life stages and energy needs. You can add healthy fats, minerals, protein, and fibrous foods to your pet’s daily diet.

Can We Provide Anything Special To Your Rottweiler?

Likewise, any other breed, rottweiler, needs a balanced, nutrient-rich diet meeting their particular nutritional needs. It is not necessary to give them any special diet. Be it an adult or a puppy, commercial dog food of the best quality is suitable for the rottweiler breed.

Fat content, protein sources, and grain-free ingredient options are a few factors to consider while choosing dog food. But, when determining the right diet for your dog, talk to an expert veterinarian. It is crucial as each dog is unique and has distinct nutritional requirements.

Diet For A Pregnant Rottweiler Dog

If you have a female dog who is expecting, consider feeding her more nutritious food. Be certain about overfeeding your dog because that may result in obesity after giving birth.

But there can also be difficulties if you underfeed them. Pregnant dogs may develop health problems like loss of litter because of undernutrition.

Like normal dogs, a pregnant one also has a similar nutritional requirement till the third trimester. After this period, they may need more food than usual. It would be good to feed them 3 or 4 times a day. But, you must keep in mind their litter’s size.


Never overlook your rottweiler puppy’s health and diet. Raw food or homemade food is an excellent choice for feeding a rottweiler. But consult with your vet whenever you give anything to your dog.

Overfeeding your rottweiler puppy may raise the risk of health concerns like obesity. The rottweiler breed will likely become too big as they mature, around 70 to 130 pounds.

Want to adopt a rottweiler puppy or an adult Rottie? If yes, Vom Hause Stan is the place to find purebred rottweiler litters and adults. We are one of the most trusted and experienced rottweiler breeders in the USA, offering all sizes of rottweilers.

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What Is The Temperament Of A Rottweiler? Should You Adopt One? https://vomhausestan.com/what-is-the-temperament-of-a-rottweiler/ https://vomhausestan.com/what-is-the-temperament-of-a-rottweiler/#respond Tue, 28 Feb 2023 09:03:00 +0000 https://vomhausestan.com/?p=3814 Rottweilers are among the top ten dog breeds in the USA, so many people want to learn about them as much as possible. Many people admire this unique dog breed and love to have them as pets. However, for those who have recently heard about this intelligent breed, you may want to know what it …

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Rottweilers are among the top ten dog breeds in the USA, so many people want to learn about them as much as possible. Many people admire this unique dog breed and love to have them as pets. However, for those who have recently heard about this intelligent breed, you may want to know what it possesses and if it’s the right choice for your family.

Furthermore, a popular question among the Rottweiler community is, “what is the temperament of a rottweiler?” Also, how do Rotties look talking about their size, color, coat, etc.? Rottweilers have fierce personalities, and if we take the words of AKC (American Kennel Club), they describe the Rottweiler temperament as calm, courageous, and confident, with many other personality traits.

So, if you are curious about the temperament of a Rottweiler, their physical appearance, and other things which make them a perfect dog breed, make sure you don’t skip any part of this post. However, before anything, let’s take a look at Rottweiler’s history.

A Basic Introduction To Rottweilers’ History

If we talk about the history of Rottweilers, you must know that they have a German origin. In the past, Molossus, a Roman dog, mated with several different breeds upon the invasion of Romans in Germany, which resulted in the birth of Rottweilers. This breed is highly popular as cattle dogs.

When we discuss Rottweilers’ personality traits and temperament, it is vital to know about this breed’s origin, as they were once field dogs. Rottweilers were fearsome and had enough power to drive cattle. Talking about today’s Rottie, they also have some of these characteristics their ancestors had. It may not be the same, but this past factor highly influences their personality.

General Introduction And Questions Answered Regarding Rottweilers            

So, now you know the history of Rottweilers. After going through it, the next thing you would be curious about is how Rottweilers look and whether they are easy to keep as pets. Well, we have everything here for you about Rottweiler’s appearance. Furthermore, we have also answered any questions you may have about this breed. 


So, first thing first, what is the size of a Rottweiler? Well, this breed is classified as medium to large dogs. An average male Rottie reaches about 24 to 27 inches in height. Meanwhile, an average female Rottweiler only gets 22 to 25 inches. Furthermore, males, on average, weigh around 110 to 130 pounds, and females, on the other hand, weigh 77 to 110 pounds. Usually, a Rottweiler reaches its max height after becoming one year old. However, it can take them two to three years to get their maximum height in a few cases.      


Rottweiler comes in multiple colors. Most commonly, they have a black coat. However, this black color is mostly accompanied by rust, mahogany, or rust color variety.


Like colors, Rottweilers also have a variety of coats, including dense, coarse, and straight, which usually lies flat and have a medium length.         


Originally, Rottweilers had their tails docked. This was because this breed was popular for working jobs, and their tail was docked in order to prevent injury. However, in current times, Rotties are more of a pet than guard dogs. Therefore, docking is no longer necessary and can also be considered cosmetic.

Also Read:- Why Do Rottweilers Growl When Happy: Should I Be Concerned?

Are Rottweilers Hypoallergenic?

No, Rotties are not hypoallergenic because of their moderate shedding amount and pet dander levels. So, if you easily catch allergies, it would be better if you look for non-shedding breeds.

Do Rottweilers Shed?

Yes, Rottweilers do shed. They are known as seasonal shredders and have a moderate to high level of shedding based on the season and their health. And generally, this breeding shedding amount increases in the spring and fall. So, if you want to keep this shedding under control, you can use a good shedding brush.

Do Rotties Have Grooming Needs?

Yes, Rottweilers do have numerous grooming needs. So, if you are considering adopting one, make sure to consider these needs. You have to brush their coat regularly during shedding season. Furthermore, you must bathe this breed at least three to four times a year. However, you can increase the frequency of bathing if you notice a foul odor from them or if they look dirty.

But, ensure you don’t over-bathe your Rottweiler, as it can eliminate healthy oils in their coat and skin. Other than that, you should brush their teeth at least once a week and trim their nails on a monthly basis.

What Do You Need To Know About Rottweiler Temperament?

Now, after understanding the basics of the Rottweiler breed, we must come to the main topic: Rottweiler temperament. In general, Rottweilers have a calm, confident, and courageous character. Furthermore, this breed is known for its loyal and protective nature. As they possess a level head temperament, they are usually not affected unless they find their loved ones in danger.

Besides that, Rotties are highly obedient and respect their owner’s words if they have developed authority over them. They are usually happy and only become sad or moody when their owner is not around them. Furthermore, Rotties have a soft grumble or growling, indicating they enjoy themselves and are not angry over something.

Is There Any Difference Between Temperament And Personality Between Male And Female Rottweilers?

When discussing the personality traits and temperament of a Rottweiler, you might be curious if there is any difference between these genders. Generally, there isn’t much difference in their personality, but they do have slight differences.

An average male takes time to become mature compared to female Rottweilers. Furthermore, male Rotties have a bit of a mischievous nature. Now, female Rottweilers gain maturity a bit early and are often friendly and trusting with other pets and family members.                             

If we talk about the difference which stands out the most, then it will be the protective nature of the male Rottweilers. Male Rotties are comparatively more protective than female Rottweilers, which is their most significant personality difference.


So, what is the temperament of a rottweiler? Whether we consider the AKC statement or talk in general, Rottweiler’s temperaments are calm, courageous, confident, and loyal. Therefore, if you are looking for a guard dog or a family dog that is good with kids and children, you should definitely consider adopting a Rottweiler.

To adopt a purebred German Rottweiler puppy or adult, give Vom Hause Stan a call at (425) 329-9996 or drop your requirements at VomHauseStan@yahoo.com.

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