Vom Hause Stan

Does A Rottweiler Shed & How Much Do They Shed? Is It Manageable?

Are you planning to adopt a Rottweiler puppy or someone you know? Well, whatever the case is, you can never go wrong with adopting this intelligent breed. Rottweilers are smart, loyal, and friendly with the people they love. However, when it comes to adopting a Rottie puppy, it is vital that you also understand the other aspects of it.
You cannot ignore the Rottweiler maintenance cost, which is significant in Rottweiler’s overall cost. And, as far as the maintenance cost is concerned, your biggest concern will be about “does the Rottweiler shed?” Well, the straight answer to this question is, yes, Rottweilers do shed. They tend to leave their hair around the house and are not hypoallergenic.

However, you should be aware of the fact that Rottweiler shedding is manageable. Furthermore, if we compare them to the breeds such as golden retrievers, huskies, and German shepherds, we’ll find their shedding amount is way less. Get all your answers related to Rottweiler shedding in this post.

Understanding Rottweiler Coats And Colors

The first thing you should know about is that Rottweilers contain a double coat. Many of us have this misunderstanding that this breed only has a single coat. However, it’s not true, and their coat is usually thick and coarse. Furthermore, they possess short fur and have thicker undercoats.

Usually, Rotties have straight or wavy coats, and these coats’ outer lengths can vary in length. Besides that, there are a few cases where a Rottie may possess a curly hair texture. As previously mentioned, since Rottweilers contain double coats, they normally shed their coats two times a year.

If you develop allergies because of dog fur or are looking for a breed that sheds less, Rottweiler might not be your best option. You can go for mixed breeds or other breeds of dogs if that is your preference.

Now knowing the important part regarding Rottweiler coats, we must also look into Rottweiler’s available colors. According to the AKC-approved statement, Rottweilers only have three colors: Black and Tan (the most common), Black & Rust, and Black & Mahogany.

Other than that, there are a few other Rottweilers that come in different colors. Furthermore, chances are they will cost you more compared to commonly available colors. However, be aware of the fact that out of those three, any other color is not recognized by AKC. So, in case you adopt a unique colored Rottie, there are high chances you cannot participate in events organized by the AKC.            

How Much Do Rottweilers Shed And How Often?     

Rottweilers are classified as moderate shredders. If we talk in terms of numbers, AKC has rated Rottweiler shedding as three out of five. Here, the number five represents the highest amount of shedding. So, Rottweilers shedding amount, on a scale of three, represents that their shedding amount is moderate.

Now, knowing how much Rottie sheds, it’s vital to know how often they shed. Usually, they shed year-round. And, out of all the seasons, Rottweilers shed most in the season of spring, when they replace their old hair with new fur. Other than that, allergies and seasonal factors also increase the frequency of this shedding.

So, from this, you can know that Rottweilers shed their coats twice a year. However, you should be aware of the exceptions in Rottweiler shedding. A few breeds of Rottweilers can shed their coat three to four times a year, especially in an intense molt season. Furthermore, Rotties that have longer coats tend to shed more comparatively. But this doesn’t affect the shedding frequency.

Rottweiler owners may struggle with keeping up with the extra layer of fur which their pooch sheds during intense shedding seasons. Other than that, a few Rotties may even have reverse shedding, which refers to extra shedding that Rottweilers face during the winter months.

Also Read:- Why Do Rottweilers Growl When Happy

What Are The Various Reasons For Rottweilers’ Shedding?

While dealing with Rottweiler shedding can be a task, you should not worry about it as it can be managed if you use the right methods. However, before we learn how to manage Rottweiler shedding, it’s important to understand the causes of this shedding. 

Here are some of the reasons which can lead to extra shedding in Rottweilers:

  • Stress: Stress caused due to various life events can lead to increased shedding in Rotties.
  • Medication: A few medications for dogs can cause side effects such as more shedding.
  • Routine Change: As already mentioned, stress is one of the reasons for extra shedding in dogs, and routine change may cause increased stress levels.
  • Bathing: A few dog care products, such as shampoo, may not suit your dog, resulting in fur loss.
  • Allergies: A dog may suffer from fur loss if they develop allergies.
  • Mites: Parasites and mites are one of the primary causes of fur loss in dogs.
  • Skin conditions: A few dogs can develop skin conditions that can be the cause of fur loss.

How Can You Manage Your Rottie’s Shedding?

Now, you know what the reasons for Rottweiler shedding are. So, the next thing to look for is how you can control shedding in Rotties. Here are some ways:


Try brushing your Rottie fur at least one time a week. Furthermore, during shedding season, brushing their hair two to three times per week is recommended to manage their fur loss. 


On average, you should give your Rottweiler a bath at least once a month. You can increase this frequency by two, but remember not to cross that limit. Giving too much bath can wash off your Rottweiler’s natural oils.


Giving your dog supplements can fulfill their body’s nutritional needs, which they cannot gain through the diet.


As a dog owner, you must understand the importance of a high-quality diet. A proper diet can satisfy your dog’s nutritional needs. You can consider giving your dog a raw beef diet, which has high protein and calcium levels.


So, with this, now you have the answer: does Rottweiler sheds? Rottweilers do sheds, and the frequency can change depending on the seasons and other related factors. There are multiple reasons for extra shedding, like allergies, stress, etc. You can manage their shedding levels significantly by giving your pooch a good diet, regular brushing, and bathing. 

For any Rottweiler-related queries or if you want to buy a purebred Rottweiler puppy, please visit Vom Hause Stan

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