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Rottweiler Growth and Weight Stages

Rottweilers are muscular dogs who grow to be fierce and loving protectors of family and dear ones. These dogs were earlier used to herd livestock but quickly became popular for police and military work, search and rescue and guides for the blind. It is no surprise that this fierce and loyal breed is quite large in size. In this section, we will provide you with an estimate of how the size of the Rottweilers varies with time, based on gender.


Female and Male Rottweiler Growth Stages

Age Weight
1 month
3-6 lbs
2 month
10-14 lbs
3 month
30-35 lbs
4 month
35-42 lbs
5 month
45-55 lbs
6 month
59-64 lbs
7 month
65-70 lbs
8 month
70-75 lbs
9 month
70-80 lbs
10 month
75-85 lbs
11 month
75-90 lbs
1 year
80-95 lbs
Age Weight
1 month
4-8 lbs
2 month
12-16 lbs
3 month
34-39 lbs
4 month
44-51 lbs
5 month
54- 61 lbs
6 month
64- 71 lbs
7 month
72- 80 lbs
8 month
75-85 lbs
9 month
90- 105 lbs
10 month
95-110 lbs
11 month
95- 115 lbs
1 year
95- 135 lbs

Female and Male Rottweiler Growth Stages

Male and female Rottweilers differ in how much they weigh but they are pretty close in their height. In this section, we will provide you with an estimate of how the  Rottweilers grow in height in the first few phases of their life.

Age Height
8 weeks
13 inches
10 weeks
15 inches
3 month
18 inches
4 month
20 inches
5 month
22 inches
6 month
22-23 inches
7 month
22-25 inches
8 month
22-25 inches
9 month
22-26 inches
1 year
22 -27 inches
Just like many large dog breeds, for Rottweilers, the most intense growth phase is between 5 to 7 months. A six-month-old Rottweiler male will weigh between 64 and 70 pounds and their female counterpart will weigh around 60 to 64 pounds. Both the puppies will make almost the same height around 22 to 23 inches, which is only a few inches less than the maximum adult height.
Like the other large-sized dog breeds, Rottweilers also take longer to reach their full size. You can expect your Rottweiler puppy to reach his maximum height when he is around one-year-old and maximum weight when he is around two years old. In some cases, larger Rottweilers may need upto full three years to fill out and gain their complete mature weight.

Owners should understand that prevention is always better than the cure of a disease. To maintain your pet’s good health, you need to follow regular veterinary appointments along with your Rottweiler’s x-rays, vaccinations, and screening. Like other dogs, purebred Rottweilers are prone to certain genetic diseases like hip dysplasia, prostate cancer, etc. According to the Veterinary Centers of America, owners should feed their Rottweiler pets with large-breed specific puppy food. As an owner, if you are unsure what brand to feed your pet, ask your veterinarian to guide you about your pet’s best kind of food. However, if your pet is fed a well-balanced diet in appropriate amounts and has the opportunity for daily exercise, then the Rotts stay healthier.    

Dog insurance is a smart investment policy that keeps you prepared and helps you cover the cost of emergencies. There are many insurance plans in the market that covers the overall wellness and reimburse you upto 80% of your dog’s veterinary routine check-ups and vaccinations.

Common Health Issues

When it comes to common health issues, most Rottweilers suffer from the same kind of genetic-related health issues. The pet owner must consult the veterinarian and perform the necessary diagnostic check-ups and vaccinations to keep their pet healthy and active. Some of the common health issues are listed below: