All About Rottweiler Puppies
Rottweiler Bred History
The Rottweiler originated from Germany; however, their lineage dates back to Roman times. The Roman dog Molossus was used to drive back cattle. When Romans invaded Germany, the Molossus dogs mated with many local German dogs, eventually producing the Rottweilers. This breed was also used as a working dog in the field to drive back cattle. The Rottweilers breed seen back then doesnot exactly mirror the current breed of Rottweilers that we see today; however, they still portray some of their early characteristics. This breed had to be affirmative and powerful enough to evoke fear and drive cattle away in the early days.
In contrast, the Rottweilers of today are incredibly powerful but far heavier. With large bones, they are often not fit for vigorous activities like before. This means they still possess the watchdog traits but have lost that physique for stamina.

The following glossary of terms is for the purpose of helping you to better understand what all of those abbreviations and terms mean that are unique to the world of dogs, and especially Rottweilers. This is not intended to be an authentic dictionary nor is it an exhaustive vocabulary list.
Glossary of Terms for Rottweilers

- ADRK – Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler Klub. This is the official governing body for rottweilers in Germany. The ADRK is accepted worldwide as the rottweiler breed parent organization.
- VDH – Verband fur das Deutsche Hundewesen. This is the official body that governs all dog breeds in Germany, of which the ADRK is a division. The VDH in Germany can be compared to the AKC in America.
- FCI – Federation Cynologique International (International Canine Federation). The FCI is the largest canine organization in the world. It unifies national canine organizations with members and associate members from various countries and continents. In addition to other things, the FCI sanctions national championships and international championships. The rules and titles of the FCI are the most widely accepted in the world. Almost every major country in the world is a member of the FCI with the exceptions of the United States and Great Britain.
- AKC – American Kennel Club. The American organization responsible for dog registrations of every recognized breed. They also sanction conformation, sporting and other events.
- ARC – American Rottweiler Club. The division of the AKC that has special interest in Rottweilers.
- USRC – United States Rottweiler Club. An organization in the US that emulates the ADRK and sponsors “German style” events including conformation shows and working trials.
- ARV – American Rottweiler Verein. An organization in the US that emulates the ADRK and sponsors “German style” events including conformation shows and working trials.
- BH – Begleithund (traffic dog). A basic obedience and sociability title, usually given in Germany, and a prerequisite for Schutzhund titles. It is considered to be a traffic safety title. The trial includes on and off leash obedience as well as a temperament test.
- B – Equivalent to a BH, but given in the US.
- CD – A Companion Dog. An obedience title offered by the AKC. The dog is required to pass this test three times before being awarded the title. Each pass is called a leg. This is a primary obedience degree and is earned from the Novice class.
- CDX – A Companion Dog excellent. This is a higher obedience degree offered by the AKC and is received by achieving a qualifying score three separate times in the Open class.
- UD – Utility Dog. This is a title awarded by the AKC after a dog receives three qualifying scores in the Utility class.
- UDX – Utility Dog Excellence.
- AD – Ausdaur Prufung (endurance test). In order for a dog to earn this title they must run 20K (about 12.5 miles) in two hours without excessive fatigue. This title is earned in Germany or in German style shows.
- FH – Fahrtenhund. An advanced tracking degree, which includes two levels with increased difficulty (FH and FH II) this is given in Germany or German style shows.
- TD – Tracking Dog. Tracking title offered by the AKC. A test designed to assess a dog’s scenting and tracking ability.
- TDX – Tracking Dog Excellent. An advanced degree of tracking offered by the AKC.
- TT – Temperament Test. Awarded by ATTS (American Temperament Test Society)
- RTD – Registered Therapy Dog.
- CGC – Canine Good Citizen. A temperament test designed to demonstrate the dog’s ability to behave properly in social situations. Awarded by the AKC.
- OB Ch – Obedience Champion
- SchH – Schutzhund is a working dog sport comprised of three disciplines: tracking, obedience, and protection. All three sections count equally, and all three must be passed in order to earn the degree. The dog must score a passing mark in each of the three phases and gain a total of at least 220 points out of a possible 300 to earn the title. SchH is tested in three progressively harder levels, earning the degree SchH I, SchH II, SchH III, with level three being the hardest. SchH I is Beginning Schutzhund (minimum age 14 months), SchH II is Intermediate Schutzhund (minimum age 16 months), SchH III is Advanced Schutzhund (minimum age is 18 months). After attaining the degree at any level the dog must then wait six months before being eligible for competition at the next higher level.
- IPO – International Prufungsordung (International working test similar to Schutzhund). IPO I is Beginning, IPO II is intermediate, IPO III is advanced.
- VPG – Three levels of working degrees equivalent to the SchH and IPO titles.
- ZtP – Zuchttauglichkeitsprufung. An evaluation of a dogs temperament, character, and working ability. They are designed to select those Rottweilers that are worthy of being bred. The dog’s conformation must be judged of breeding quality and free of disqualifying faults. The dog must have a valid hip certification number and must have a tattoo for identification. Once the conformation and soundness qualifications have been met, the dog’s temperament is tested. This test includes a gun sureness test, a protection test, and a test to ensure that the dog is stable around the public. The results of this test are published in the “Kor” book and become a permanent record. The report will also be printed on the pedigree of the dog’s offspring. Awarded in Germany and by the ARV.
- BST – Breed Suitability Test. Offered by the USRC to emulate the ZtP.
- Gekort – An advanced breed test also known as Korung given in Germany and by the ARV. In addition to the requirements of the ZtP, they require a SchH III, IPO III, or VPG III for a male and a SchH I, IPO I, or VPG I for a female. The minimum age for males is 36 months and for females it is 30 months. In addition, they require three show critiques with a SG rating or better, HD/ED certificates and AD title. After this title is achieved, the dog must wait two years before it can attempt a lifetime breeding test. This title deems a dog suitable for breeding by the ADRK for a period of two years at which time they are subject to re-evaluation.
- ABST – Advanced Breed Suitability Test. Offered by the USRC to emulate the Gekort.
- Gekort bis EzA – Lifetime breed suitability test. A dog with this title is rated by the ADRK as suitable for breeding for the duration of Breeding Utilization Age (nine years in males and eight years in females).
- LBST – Lifetime breed suitability test. Offered by the USRC to emulate the Gekort bis EzA.
- DM – Deutsche Meisterschaft (working dog championship held annually by the ADRK)
- LS – Leistungssieger (title awarded to the winner of the Deutsche Meisterschaft).
- SH – Such Hund (tracking dog)
- PH – Polizei Hund (police dog)
- DH – Dienst Hund (service dog)
- RH – Rettungshund (rescue dog)
- HGH – Herdengebaruchshund (herding dog)
- BIH – Blinden Hund (blind guide dog)
- KrH – Krwigshund (war dog)
- LawH – Lawinen Hund (avalanche dog)
- MH – Meldehund (military dog)
- WH – Wach Hund (watch dog)
- HIT – Herding Instinct Tested (AKC)
- HIC – Herding Instinct Certified (AKC)
- OTCH – Obedience Trial Champion (AKC)
- VA rating – Excellent Select Title, that is only awarded at the Annual Sieger Show. (Auslese Klasse) select class.
- V rating – (Vorzuglich) This rating is given in German style shows. The judge will give a detailed report of the dog’s conformation and rate the dog as to how closely it matches the standard. The V rating stands for “excellent” representative of the standard.
- SG rating – (Sehr Gut) This rating stands for “very good” representative of the standard. This is the highest rating generally offered to dogs under the age of two.
- G rating – (Gut) This rating stands for “good” representative of the standard.
- NG rating – This rating stands for “not satisfactory” and usually indicates a dog with a major fault.
- VVN – (Vielversprechend) This rating stands for “very promising” (puppy class only)
- VN – (Versprechend) This rating stands for “promising” (puppy class only)
- A rating – (Ausreichend) means sufficient.
- M rating – (Mangelhaf) means faulty.
- O rating – (zero) failed
- U rating – unsatisfactory
- GN rating – (Genugend) satisfactory rating
- 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A – Eye ratings that are eligible for the Korung and BST. 1A is the darkest possible shade of brown.
- 3B, 4A – Eye ratings that are eligible for the BST but ineligible for the Korung.
- Sieger – This title is given in the German style shows and is equivalent to the male “best in show” title in the AKC. In order to be awarded this title the dog is required to have a SchH or IPO title and a ZtP, BST or Gekort.
- Siegerin – This is the female “best in show” for the German style show and carries the same requirements as the Sieger.
- Jugend Sieger – This is the youth male “best in show” for dogs under the age of two. There are no working title requirements.
- Jugend Siegerin – This is the youth female “best in show” for dogs under the age of two. There are no working title requirements.
- KS and KSg – ADRK Klub Sieger/Siegerin (Germany) The number indicates the year the title was given.
- KJS and KJSg – ADRK Klub Youth Sieger/Siegerin (Germany) The number indicates the year the title was given.
- NS and NSg – National Club Sieger/Siegerin
- WS and WSg – World Sieger/Siegerin The number indicates the year the title was given.
- WJS and WJSg – World Youth Sieger/Siegerin The number indicates the year the title was given.
- BS and BSg – Bundessieger/Bundessiegerin (Germany) The number indicates the year the title was given.
- BJS and BJSg – Bundes Youth Sieger/Siegerin (Germany) The number indicates the year the title was given.
- ES and ESg – Europasieger/ Europasiegerin (Europe) The number indicates the year the title was given.
- EJS and EJSg – Europa Youth Sieger/Siegerin (Europe) The number indicates the year the title was given.
- VDH CH – German Champion
- OBS and OBSg – Austrian Sieger
- CH – In an American pedigree this can be taken to mean American champion. The American part is just understood. To obtain the American champion title, the AKC requires the dog to acrue 15 points. Two of their show wins must come from what is called a “major show”. The number of entries in a show determines if it is a major. A major is a 3, 4, or 5 point show.
- Country CH – Dogs can obtain championships in many different countries. (Examples: Hung. CH, Can. CH, etc.)
- C.A.C. – This is a certificate awarded to a dog to become a National Champion in a FCI recognized country. (RCAC – reserve)
- C.A.C.I.B. – (Cerficate d’ Aptitude au Champion at International de Beaute) This is a certificate awarded to a dog to become a FCI International Champion. When a judge issues a CACIB card to a dog he expresses the opionion that this particular animal seems worthy to him to obtain the International Championship title. The CACIB is awarded only at selected International Shows which have been approved by the FCI. (RCACIB – reserve)
- FCI Int’l CH – FCI International Champion. To become one, a dog must win two CACIB shows in two different FCI recognized countries under two different judges. These shows must be won at least one year and one day apart. One of the CACIB cards must have been won either in the country of the owner or in the country where the breed originated. (Germany for Rottweilers) Must have a SchH, IPO, or VPG title. This is not to be confused with the “UCI INT’L CH (which can be obtained in one or two weekends and does not require a working title or even that you win your class).
- BISA – Title awarded the Best in Show at an AKC – licensed all-breed show.
- BISS – Title awarded the Best in Show at an AKC – licensed Specialty Show. (Rottweilers only)
- BIS – Best in Show. Best dog/bitch at an all-breed show. (AKC)
- BOS – Best Opposite Sex
- BOB – Best of Breed. Best Rottweiler at an all-breed show. (AKC)
- BOW – Best of Winners. Between WD (winner dog) and WB (winner bitch) AKC
- WD – Winner Dog that wins the championship points at an AKC show.
- WB – Winner Bitch that wins the championship points at an AKC show.
- SA – Select Adult; Winner at a USRC Club Show
- SY – Select Youth; Youth winner at a USRC Club Show
- RS – Regional Sieger or Siegerin; USRC Regional Sieger Show winner
- RYS – Regional Youth Sieger or Siegerin; USRC Regional Sieger Show winner 12 – 18 months of age
- NS – National Sieger or Siegerin; USRC National Sieger Show winner
- NYS – National Youth Sieger or Siegerin; USRC National Sieger Show winner 12-18 months of age
German Classes
- Junghend Klasse – Dogs in twelve to eighteen months show class; separated according to sex. No titles necessary
- Jungsten Klasse – Dogs in nine to twelve months class; separated according to sex. No titles necessary.
- Junghund Klasse – Dogs in eighteen to twenty-four months show class; separated according to sex. No titles necessary
- Alters Klasse – Dogs over twenty-four months show class; separated according to sex. No titles necessary.
- Offence Klasse – Dogs over twenty-four months class without working titles. Separated according to sex.
- Sieger Klasse – Open only to Siegers/Siegerins. Separated according to sex.
- Zuchtgruppen Klasse – Progency group from one kennel.
- Gebrauchshund Klasse – Dogs over twenty four months with a working title. The Sieger and Siegerin come from this class.
AKC Classes
- Puppy class – Pups under 12 months of age on the day of show that are not champions.
- 12 to 18 Month class – Dogs at least 12 months old but under 18 months on the day of the show that are not champions.
- Novice class – Dogs born in the United States, Canada, Mexico or Bermuda that have not earned three first-place ribbons in the Novice class or one first-place ribbon in the Bred –by-Exhibitor, American-Bred or Open class. Dogs in this class may not have won any points toward their championships.
- Bred-by-Exhibitor class – Dogs being shown by any one of the breeders of record who is also an owner or co-owner. The dog may also be shown by a member of the immediate family of any one of the breeders of record. No champions of record are eligible for this class.
- American-Bred class – For any dog whelped in the United States as the result of a mating that took place in the United States that is not yet a champion.
- Open class – Any dog six months or older
- Best of Breed – This class is for champions only.
- EZ – (Einfachzucht) One parent has a schutzhund title (white papered)
- GZ – (Gebrauchshundzucht) Both parents have schutzhund titles (white papered)
- LZ – (Leistungszucht) Both parents and all 4 grandparents have schutzhund titles (pink papered) This is by far the most common level of breeding in Germany due to the high emphasis placed on work.
- KZ – (Koerzucht) Both parents have schutzhund titles and korungs: but at least one of the grandparents does not have schutzhund title (pink papered)
- KLZ – (Koer-und Leistungszucht) Bothe parents have schutzhund titles and korungs; all 4 grandparents have schutzhund titles (red papered)
- Hip Dysplasia – The most common cause of rear end lameness in the dog. Hip dysplasia is a partially inheritable condition. Normal dogs can produce dysplastic offspring. Dysplastic dogs can be asymptomatic. Dysplastic dogs can produce normal offspring. The most certain thing about this condition is, that in its most severe form, it is devasting for both dog and owner.
- OFA – Orthopedic Foundation for Animals. The organization that evaluates and certifies hips and elbows in the USA. Hips can only be certified after the age of 24 months. The ratings for the hips are “excellent”, “good”, “fair” or not passing.
- GDC – Another organization that evaluates and certifies hips.
- CERF – Canine Eye Registration Foundation. This organization evaluates and certifies dogs to be free of congintal eye disease, such as Progressive retinal atrophy. They also research and collect data to better understand the diseases.
- VWD – von Willebrand’s Disease. A blood clotting disorder occasionally seen in Rottweilers. A blood test can reveal the presence of the disorder even in a dog with no symptoms.
- Thyroid – Rottweilers may be tested to reveal a properly functioning Thyroid. Hypothyroidism can lead to poor coat condition, lethargy, obesity and fertility problems. For treatment, the dog is given hormone replacement.
- Heart – Rottweilers can suffer from congenital heart disease. The most common cause is developmental defects. This includes aortic stenosis and pulmonary stenosis. If the defect is severe, most dogs will die under one year of age. Heart defects can be hereditary. You can check with your vet as Heart screening is available.
Hip Ratings
HD+/-, HD-B, HD/B, HD-TC, HD/1, HD-1, OFA “G”Good hipsBreedable
HD-Frei, HD-A, HD/A, HD-0, HD/0, OFA “E” | Excellent hips | Breedable |
HD+, HD-C, HD/C, HD/2, HD-2, OFA “F” | Fair hips | Breedable |
HD++, HD-D, HD/D, HD/3, HD-3 | Mild dysplasia | Unbreedable |
HD+++, HD-E, HD/E, HD/4, HD-4 | Severe dysplasia | Unbreedable |
Elbow Ratings
ED-Frei, ED-0, ED/0, OFA normal | No dysplasia |
ED+/-, ED-1, ED/1 | Almost no dysplasia |
ED+, ED-2, ED/2 | Light dysplasia |
ED++, ED-3, ED/3 | Middle dysplasia |
ED+++, ED-4, ED/4 | Severe dysplasia |
Heel | Fuss | Foose |
Down | Platz | Plotz |
Sit | Sitz | Sits |
Come/here | Heir | Here |
Come | Komm | Come |
Stay | Bleib | Blibe |
Stand | Steh | Stay |
No | Pfui | Foowe |
Go Ahead | Voran | Vorhan |
Search | Revier | Revier |
Track | Such | Zook |
Jump | Hopp | Hup |
Retrieve | Bringg | Bring |
Watch Out | Pass Auf | Poss Awf |
Attack | Fass | Foss |
Out/let go | Aus | Ouss |
Good dog | So is brav | So is Braff |
Watch | Achtung |
Stay sitting | Bleib sitzen |
Go on | Geh weiter |
Speak | Gib Laut |
Halt | Halten |
Crawl | Kriech |
No | Nein |
Take it | Nimm |
Blind Search | Revier/Voran |
Article Search | Such |
Go out | Voraus |
Trail | Zur Spur |
Guard Zur Wache | Zur Wache |