Vom Hause Stan


How To Find A Good Rottweiler Breeder In Washington: A 101 Guide

Have you decided to adopt a Rottweiler puppy for your family? Adopting a Rottie puppy is the best decision you can make. They are strong and loyal and are also known to be the perfect companions for children and adults. However, before you adopt a puppy, you must also know whether you want to go for a reputed breeder or look for other options like puppy mills and backyard breeders. Puppies mills have a bad reputation, and for that reason, we must suggest not picking that option. The same goes for backyard breeders since they can’t offer you any guarantee on puppies’ health and other stuff. So, the only option, which is also the best option you have got, is Rottweiler breeders. However, even in Rotties breeders, you must see which one you should pick. 

So, how to find a good rottweiler breeder in Washington? The answer lies in this post. Go through it to find out how to pick the right breeder and Rottweiler puppy from the litter.  

Qualities That Make A Good Rottie Breeder

Whether we talk in terms of Washington or the general USA, the popularity of the surge in Rottweilers has been significant in recent times. When a certain breed becomes a crowd favorite, you will see many breeders up for the task of providing you with a paw companion. However, although they are breeders by profession, it doesn’t mean they are also breeders at heart.  

Money-grabbing breeders will never prioritize their puppies’ health and use unethical breeding practices involving breeding female Rottie multiple times, surpassing the AKC recommended limit. Because of this, you will find many Rotties who are not their breed’s best representatives. This can mean they are neither fit physically nor temperamentally. 

Rottweilers are prone to health issues like eye, joint, hip, and heart which in most cases are genetic. And this goes beyond even the emotional and temperament status these puppies have, which can cause extra aggression and fearfulness. 

Reputed Rottweiler breeders are known to breed only physically healthy dogs, have completed the health tests/screenings, and are of good temperament. And thus, choosing such breeders will better your chances when it comes to raising a strong, loyal, and happy Rottie puppy. Also, the chances of your dog developing those diseases will decrease significantly since they are raised rightly. 

This breed is large, and its needs are proportional to its size. So, the expense will surely go high as you start caring for a Rottweiler puppy. From the monthly to yearly care Rottweiler cost, you need to consider many things before you decide to adopt a puppy. Your Rottie had to eat a lot of food to maintain that size. And that toys and medicines expense will add up too. Even with a healthy puppy, who only needs routine checkups, your expense will be quite significant.

With that, if you adopt a puppy with serious health issues, expect to spend a ton of dollars on veterinary bills. So, choosing a healthy puppy from a reputed breeder is better than adopting one from untrusted sources, which will only increase your regrets later. 

You must know this, and we will also emphasize that there is nothing like a bargain puppy. We understand the price can be high when you adopt a Rottie from a breed, but it’s still a much better option than getting one from your backyard breeder. At first, you may think it is a big expense, but it will save a ton in the long run. And also, your stress will stay in control when you see your puppy healthy and clinging around you. 

Read More:- How Many Puppies Can A Rottweiler Have

So, How To Find A Good Rottweiler Breeder In Washington?

Your desire to pick the first puppy you see with those “pick me eyes” is something that is quite common among first-time puppy parents. However, you need to hold on to that thought since adopting a Rottie should never be done on an impulse. You need to do plenty of research on the Rottweiler breeder and know what you are searching for in that particular dog. 

Since this can be difficult by yourself, we are here to give you some effective tips. Furthermore, we have explained what you should be looking for and the questions you must ask the breeders you are considering.

1. Know About The Breed Standard

Whatever breed you choose to adopt, there are things common in all purebred dogs, such as how they act and look. You must look for the Breed Standard, which is a document that shows the “ideal” dog of that specific breed, to see if the dog matches the temperamental and physical traits mentioned in that document. 

The description of the Breed Standard will vary based on where you are residing. However, it will still be accurate about how an ideal Rottweiler should look and act. Watching how a purebred Rottweiler looks through videos and dog shows can help you choose the right breeder and puppy. You can find the list of upcoming regional and national events/shows by visiting the American Rottweiler Club and the United States Rottweiler Club. 

2. Don’t Limit Your Search; Talk And Visit Multiple Rottweiler Breeders

One of the most crucial points of choosing a Rottweiler breeder is to visit their premises personally and meet their dog litter face to face. Why must you do this? Mainly because, with this, you will know more about the breeders as well as their puppies. Furthermore, you will be able to judge the conditions that the puppies are currently living in. Rottweilers are normally calm unless someone makes them act up. However, you still must not compare their calmness with domestic breeds like Labradors and Retrievers. 

When you first see the puppies, most of them should be calm, be on the accepting side, and avoid too much licking and kissing. However, there are also cases of highly friendly Rottie puppies who will be very excited to meet you by continuously wagging their tail. You should know such behavior of Rotties is quite common as well. In case you see the Rottie acting fearful and aggressive, you must read the signs since, as pet parents, you should desire neither trait.

A good Rottweiler breeder will be confident in showing you around the kennels and letting you meet their dogs without any issues. However, since pups can easily catch infections, you might face restrictions in your kennel exploration. Rottweiler breeders will also be able to present you the proof that their dogs are purebred by showing you their registration papers and pedigree. Also, they must give you surety that the litter is registered and has gone through complete health checks and screening. 

You must also notice the cleanliness around the kennels, areas for exercise, and of course, dogs. Don’t limit your question about the breed to you only. A reputable breeder expects this and will be confident enough to answer all your breed-related concerns as long as they are relevant enough. 

Also, we must mention this; a good breeder will also see if you are the right owner for their puppies. Professional breeders want to ensure that their puppies go to the right place where they can spend their entire lifetime living peacefully and happily. So, if they ask you questions, you must also be prepared to answer them since it matters to them.

3. It’s Essential To Check If The Recommended Health Screenings Have Been Performed

In most dog breeds, there are some health issues that are common. A reputed breeder will take all the precautions from the start to the end to ensure that the breeding stock has no genetic defects. In Rottweiler, the major health concern is hip dysplasia. Hip socket deformation is a problem that causes stiffness, pain, and limping. 

The cause of hip problems in Rottweilers are many, such as poor diet, injury, over-exercising while young, or growing quickly. However, the main reason for it is the dog’s genetic condition. Suppose the puppy’s parents have hip dysplasia, or there are signs of its lineage carrying the gene for this ailment. In that case, the puppy is at higher risk of developing this problem.

A reputable breeder will ensure that their Rottweilers’ health is evaluated before forwarding with breeding to prevent this disease from happening in the puppies. Other problems Rottweilers usually suffer from are Elbow Dysplasia and eye problems. A breeder will pre-examine their puppies and adults to get all the essential certificates that prove that the dog is healthy. 

Why Should You Choose A Rottweiler Breeder Over Other Options?

So finding a Rottweiler breeder gets easier when you know what to do for it. However, what if you need more convincing about whether to go for a Rottweiler breeder to adopt a puppy? Rottweilers are sure of a calm nature, but you will only be able to handle them if you understand how to deal with them. Without a doubt, training is an important part of raising a Rottweiler. You are partially right if you think you can handle them by giving professional training. 

However, a good temperament of a Rottweiler is also a by-product of healthy breeding. This means a purebred Rottie will not only be more friendly, but you will also experience fewer chances of them misbehaving. So, let’s see the importance of a good Rottweiler breeder and why you need them for your Rottweiler.

1. Good Breeders Offer Expert Breed Guidance

Whether you know how to handle a Rottie or someone who never adopted one, it is better to learn about this breed from someone who knows their stuff. And since we are talking about Rottweiler experts, no one is better than Rottweiler breeders. 

A reputable and responsible Rottie breeder has vast experience dealing with Rottweilers, raising them, helping them get in shape, and training them to behave like good dogs. They will respect your choices and explain everything about owning and raising a large dog like a Rottweiler. Furthermore, they will assist you in seeing if this breed will best suit your lifestyle. 

Unlike mills and backyard breeders, a good Rottie breeder will never have money as their main goal. Breeders are someone who cares about where their puppies go and if you are the right person for them. You will never feel pressure from their side since they are here to guide you and not just sell you their puppies. If they find that Rottie is unsuitable for you, they will not force you to adopt. 

2. Reputable Breeders Give Puppies That Are Perfect Examples Of Their Breed Standard

The primary reason why individuals choose breeders to buy a Rottweiler puppy is that the breeders provide puppies that perfectly match the breed standard. It is already decided by AKC how a certain breed should look and behave. The breed standard defines the Rottie’s coat length, weight, color, muzzle and eye shape, height, etc.

You may be curious about how these breed standards are determined. Well, it is determined by considering the major kennel clubs of a particular area. To make it more clear, in the US, we have AKC (American Kennel Club), and the UK has UKC (United Kennel Club). In most of the EU, it is FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale).

You should know that these standards are not there just to make the breed look good. The standards help the dog do what they are meant to do. For instance, if your search is for a guard dog, you would not want the Rottweiler to look small or frail. The standards ensure that the puppy you are adopting will grow up to do the job you want from it. 

You may even find some Rotties kennels in your area that follow their own standards of how a Rottweiler should look and act. However, in most cases, the standards match the large national kennel clubs present in their area. 

3. You Will Know Everything About The Puppy’s History And Background

Suppose the breeder you have selected is reputed and responsible. In that case, they will provide you with the pedigrees of the Rotties puppies available for adoption at their kennel. Also, this way, you will have a clear idea of the family tree and background of the puppies. So, with that, you will have proof that the puppy is purebred and a perfect match for you. And also, it will match the breed standard. 

4. Meeting Parents Is Accessible With A Breeder At Your Side

Some might not know that meeting the puppy’s parents is a crucial part of adopting a Rottie puppy. Why, you may ask? Because puppies’ parents are the perfect representation of how the puppy will look after becoming an adult, you can’t miss meeting its parents. While you might not meet the male parent, a good breeder will surely allow you to meet the pups’ mother. 

Rottweiler stud or sire are terms used for male Rottweilers. If the male Rottie is present on the site when you visit the kennel, you can even meet him (most probably). Well, even if you don’t meet the pups’ father, the breeder will still have some quality videos and photos of the dog. Furthermore, they will even share the male Rottweiler pedigree with you, so you know that the father matches the breed standards just like the mother, Rottie.

The more puppy relatives you meet, the better you will get the idea of how the Rottweiler will turn out once entering adulthood. And also, this doesn’t stop at looks only. Meeting the puppy’s parents will give you an estimate of how it will behave later in life.    

5. You Will Know About The Puppy’s Health Background

A good and reputable breeder guarantees their puppy’s health and that they are free of any diseases. One of the essential reasons why people look for a reputable breeder is this only. The breeder will also ensure that the puppy you adopt is in its best condition and has no signs of developing any problems later. A responsible breeder is also informed of the genetic conditions and diseases the Rottweiler puppies usually develop. Common problems in Rottweilers include elbow and hip dysplasia, PRA (Progressive retinal atrophy), cataracts, subaortic stenosis, and cardiomyopathy.

A good breeder will run multiple genetic tests on their puppies and their parents in order to prevent these health conditions from developing. Organizations like OFA can help breeders see if the dogs are at risk of developing hip dysplasia. They can provide certifications to prove that the puppy is healthy and not at high risk of developing such health problems. 

A reputable breeder will never reproduce dogs with such health conditions and will also inform you of any health issues they find in their puppies. This is also why the Rottweiler puppies from responsible breeders live up to their full life span. An average healthy Rottie will live up to eight to ten years. 

6. A Health Guarantee Comes With The Purchase From The Breeder

A good breeder will always be sure about their puppy’s health. Hence, you will find it common for breeders to give health guarantees to their puppies. This means the puppy you adopt will be free from all the diseases and will not develop any of them until a certain age. However, remember that these health guarantees are different for different breeders. Therefore, talk to the breeder about what health guarantee they offer.

In most cases, if your pup develops some health condition mentioned in the guarantee agreement, you will be liable to receive a refund, get the puppy replaced, or the breeder will cover a significant portion of the medical bills of the puppy. 

7. They Help You Choose The Right Puppy

Although every puppy you find at a Rottweiler kennel is of pure breed, there are still personality differences in those pups. So, if you are searching for a family dog, you will need to find one that is friendly. Or, if you need a guard dog, you will need a puppy that is obedient and easy to train. A professional breeder is able to recognize the personality traits of a Rottie. This way, if you tell them your needs, they will direct you toward the puppy that suits you best.

So, this way, you will be safe from choosing that one puppy that will be hard to handle by yourself. If you need a calmer one, the breeder can save you from adopting a more active Rottweiler. When the puppy is of your preference, the bond between you will become way better.

8. A Good Breeder Stays In Touch Even After The Puppy’s Adoption

Reputable breeders will never stop caring about their puppies. Even after the adoption, they will encourage the owners to keep in touch with them. This way, you will stay open to expert breeder advice free of cost. 

Although it implies to experienced Rottweiler owners as well, this point is especially important for people who own a Rottweiler for the first time. You will always need expert breeders’ advice when your Rottie develops health issues or behaves unruly.

9. Breeders Are Also Trainers For Your Puppy

When a Rottweiler is still a newborn, there is some basic training like potty and bark training that the responsible breeder provides to their puppies. And since the puppy is still not ready to adopt, the breeders will also give the necessary socialization and basic training to every of those. 

In the case of breeds like Rottweilers, early training is highly essential. As an owner, you should also give your Rottie basic training to become more familiar with your commands. And doing this will also help with future training for your Rottweiler.

10. A Permanent Second Home For Your Puppy

While this is not easy, because of one situation or the other, sometimes we have to abandon our paw friend. If you also face such a situation, you don’t have to worry about your puppy since breeders are always there to accept their Rottie puppies back. 

Most reputable breeders will be ready to take their puppy regardless of what point of life they are in. So if you end up in some unfavorable situation like a health crisis, relocation, etc., you can rest assured that you will have someone to take care of your puppy. These breeders will not only take the puppy back, but they might also help you find a new home. 


So, did you get your answer for how to find a good rottweiler breeder in Washington? If yes, make sure you do enough research and find the best breeder in your location. There are many perks that come with having the right breeder and so as many backlashes of choosing the wrong breeder. By finding a good breeder, you will be sure they will act in your favor and help you find the right puppy. 

Vom Hause Stan also helps people who are looking to become paw parents. We are reputable breeders with a decade of experience and have served hundreds of clients. Our breeders help you find the right puppy for you. Whether to go for a male Rottweiler or a female Rottweiler, our breeders can help you choose. We have training and boarding facilities, too, so your puppy grows into an obedient and smart dog. 

If you are interested in adopting purebred German Rottweiler puppies, make sure you contact us at:

  • Phone: (425) 329-9996
  • Kennel Address: 29225 188th Ave SE, Kent – Washington 98042

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