Vom Hause Stan


What To Feed A Rottweiler Puppy And How Much To Feed?

Added a new paw friend to your family? Let us guess who it is…. a Rottweiler puppy!! Rottweilers are a popular breed in the US. If you have adopted one, then you are definitely going in the right direction. This breed is strong, loyal, and friendly. And on top of that, they become part of your family and give you long-term happiness. However, things don’t stop at adoption only. The next part is caring for your Rottweiler puppy and considering its dietary needs. The diet you give your Rottweiler will play a huge role in how well your puppy grows. A wrong or unhealthy diet can make your dog more prone to health diseases. In order to avoid that, you must look for a diet that your dog can actually enjoy while it is also being healthy.

So, what is a healthy diet for a Rottie puppy? How much to feed your Rottweiler? Which is the best Rottweiler food in the market? If you have questions like that, you are in the right place. We are professional Rottweiler breeders with many years of grooming, caring, and training Rottweilers. So, we know what Rottweiler puppies love and how much is considered an optimal diet for them. Without any delay, let’s start with this optimal food diet guide for Rottweiler puppies. 

How Much To Feed A Rottweiler? The Famous Question Among Rottie Lovers

So, how much to feed a Rottweiler? As a new puppy owner, such types of queries are quite common. Furthermore, not having any experience with puppy care can lead to an increase in urgency of knowing the answer to the question.

Well, first, being Rottweiler breeders, we understand this concern as we deal with many individuals who ask us the same question. However, you don’t have to rush to make dietary decisions for your puppy. The needs can change as a puppy ages, so we can’t just give you one specific answer. But we can surely guide you toward the right dietary plan for your dog.

You must understand that your puppy is currently in its growing stage. So, that means the puppy’s digestive, elimination, and gastrointestinal systems are also in their growth stage. All such changes affect how your puppy reacts to what you give them for food on a daily basis. So, in case you notice appetite fluctuation in your puppy, just know it is normal for a growing puppy.

You Can’t Predict Their Appetites

One unique part about Rottweilers’ appetites, or any other puppy in general, is that predicting their appetites isn’t a straightforward process. Some days you will see your Rottie eating like there is no tomorrow. Meanwhile, on the other days, you will see them not eating a portion of the diet they had the other day. 

Well, suppose you are facing such a situation. In that case, Othilia (breeder at Vom Hause Stan) wants to say that this behavior of a Rottweiler is completely normal. However, see that your puppy doesn’t make it a habit. In most cases, such behavior from a puppy Rottie stays around for a maximum of one day. Most days, they will eat whatever you serve in good amounts, if not fully.

But if you notice such an uneven eating pattern becoming too repetitive, don’t hesitate to make a call to your veterinarian. If your Rottweiler is from our Kennels, you can get direct guidance from our professional veterinarians. 

Now coming to the main question, how much to feed your Rottweiler? To answer this question, we have to first consider the factors like your puppy’s weight, sex, and height. Furthermore, the type of food you are giving your puppy will also play a major role.                        

Read More:- How To Find A Good Rottweiler Breeder In Washington                       

Sticking With The Basics: The Dietary Needs Of Rottweiler Puppies

When a Rottweiler is in its growing stage, its body requires some specific amount of nutrients. Furthermore, you have to ensure the quantity of these nutrients doesn’t cross what your pet’s body requires. Your puppy has a high chance of growing up healthy with a strong immune system when there is an adequate amount.

Furthermore, this healthy growth is true for your pup’s brain, body systems, and bones as well. When you try feeding a healthy diet to your dog, ensure the food meets these dietary requirements:


In your Rottie diet, calcium plays a significant role. Want to know how calcium can help your paw friend? It assists with strong bones, the brain, the immune system, joints, and teeth. One thing to note is calcium absorption can change depending on what other nutrients you include in your Rottweiler diet. What you add can either increase or decrease calcium absorption, respectively. 

Now, what’s the ideal amount of calcium you should add to your puppy’s diet? According to Marian Stan, who is also a professional breeder at Vom Hause Stan, the calcium amount in your Rottie diet should not exceed more than 1.5 percent. So, for example, you should add three grams of calcium per one thousand kcal of food for your Rottweiler puppy. 


Another important nutrient or mineral for your puppy is phosphorus. This mineral plays a significant role in making your Rottie’s bones strong & healthy. Furthermore, phosphorus also assists with making your Rottweiler puppy’s skeletal system and joints grow and form correctly. And it may not be surprising to learn that this mineral performs its job in the right manner by working with nutrients like calcium.

So, this increases the importance of having the right ratio of phosphorus and calcium in your dog’s food. Now, you may ask, what will be the right Ca:Ph ratio in your puppy’s diet? Our veterinarians, as well as breeders, advise keeping the ratio between 1:1 and 1:3 depending on what your pet’s body demands with time.

General Nutrition Guide To Healthy Rottweiler Puppies Diet

You may know this, but all dogs are primarily carnivores, and Rottweilers are no exception. Surely, many people stick with the veg diet for their pets, but if we talk about the real or natural diet for dogs, nonveg diets will be on the top. However, if you see the market for dog food, most of them have grains as the primary ingredients of dog food. You may ask yourself that if meat is essential for dogs, why are grains prioritized over them?

Well, the answer is simple, grains are much cheaper compared to meat. Furthermore, they are seen as an easy substitute for meat, which further decreases the dog food manufacturing cost significantly. Keep this part in your mind that for the healthy growth of your Rottie puppy, you must make meat the primary ingredient of their diet. Beef, as you may know, is the most famous meat that successfully covers the dietary needs of your puppy.

One more thing about meat is that it not only helps your dog’s health but is also known to do wonders for weight control in Rotties. If you go for cheaper dog food for your pet, you will find the food to be full of grains, chemicals, and preservatives which are quite harmful to a puppy as well as an adult dog. Furthermore, even expensive dog food brands can be full of this harmful stuff, which can significantly increase your concern for your puppy’s health.

So, how will you know which food will be best for your Rottweiler? Well, one certain way to do that is to check the ingredients of the dog food before purchasing one. You can do that, but here we are talking specifically about Rottweiler puppies. Therefore, finding the most suitable food is also important.

How To Decide The Best Food For Your Rottweiler Puppy?

The perfect food for a Rottie puppy will be one that has meat. And when we say meat, we are telling that meat should be the major portion of the puppy’s diet. In addition, if you think meat will not suffice the dietary needs of your puppy, you can always opt for a meat meal instead of meat only. However, for the most part, it’s better to keep the diet limited to meat only.  

Now, if you ask, what are the options for a meat diet? You can go for beef, beef meal, chicken meal, turkey meals, or other meats, depending on your choice. If you ask us the best meat for a Rottweiler puppy, our answer will be beef. This is because beef is full of protein and fulfills the dietary needs of both puppy and adult Rottweilers. 

What To Avoid Giving A Rottweiler Puppy?

Now, as we mentioned the most suitable meal for a Rottweiler puppy, we should also touch on the topic of what not to give a Rottie for food. As per professional breeders like Marian and Othilia, a Rottweiler owner should avoid giving their pup-produced meals corn, soy, or wheat. And the reason for this is that such ingredients don’t help your puppy at all. They are mostly fillers and have a very small amount of protein to offer your pet. Also, they are more toward harming your pet’s digestive system instead of making it strong.

Every Rottweiler’s body demands protein in its food. Furthermore, the protein demand is more in Rottie puppies compared to adult Rottweilers. An adult Rottie will at least require 22 to 26 percent of protein in their food. On the other hand, the puppies’ demand for protein is around 24 to 28 percent. 

We mentioned this before as well, a diet rich in protein will assist in preventing your dog from being overweight. This is because protein helps your body and later on leaves your body through the kidneys. So, protein will not become part of the fat in your body. Protein in the diet is responsible for building strength and developing strong muscles. A Rottweiler puppy who is in its growing stage will be in need of this extra protein.

Fat in your puppy’s dog food should only have a limited role. Furthermore, this fat should appear as either beef fat or chicken fat. The healthy fat levels in dog food should be 12 to 16 percent for adults and 14 to 18 percent for puppy Rottweilers. Avoid giving extra to your puppy as it can lead to an overweight situation. Also, don’t let zero nutritional value substances in your Rottweiler puppy diet.                                    

Going With The Feeding Chart: How Much And At What Time                                  

Now as we have answered the question of what to feed your Rottweiler puppy, it’s time to learn about the perfect amount and the right time for feeding your puppy. 

The age and weight of your Rottweiler puppy will play the biggest role in setting up the right amount to feed your pet. In general, a healthy Rottweiler puppy will need 2 to 6 cups of food on a daily basis. In contrast, for adult Rottweilers, this amount can vary anywhere between 3 and 5 cups of food on a daily basis.

As they age and gain more weight, the dietary needs of a puppy can change. This is also a reason why Rottweiler puppies have different dietary needs compared to full-grown adult Rotties.    

Although age and weight are the primary factors that determine the food amount, there are other factors like your Rottie’s activity level and the type of food you are providing them. 

How Much To Feed A Rottweiler Puppy: A Feeding Chart For Two Months To 12 Months Puppies

From the start, you should plan a healthy diet for your Rottweiler so that it can have proper growth. Especially the starting few weeks of a Rottie are quite important.

At Vom Hause Stan, we monitor our Rottweiler puppies at least six times a day, so we know they are growing well without facing any health issues. We also check their weight status from time to time to confirm they are not underweight or overweight. 

We usually get questions like what to feed a six-week-old rottweiler puppy or what to feed a four-week-old rottweiler puppy, etc. Our professional breeders want to say for a puppy this young; the best nutritional source will be its mother’s milk. If the mother is not present, you will have to buy milk supplements to fulfill your Rottweiler puppy’s nutritional needs. 

After the Rottweiler puppy becomes three or four weeks old, they will need to make a transition from their mom’s milk to puppy food available in the market. This period is popularly known as the weaning phase.

Diet Chart For Rottweiler Puppies

You can follow this part to learn how much to feed a Rottweiler puppy as they grow:

Age Of The Puppy Food Intake Amount On A Daily Basis (Cups) Daily Kilocalories Protein Amount In The Food Fats Amount In The Food
2 months Two to three  690 to 890 22 to 26% 14 to 18%
3 months Two to three 790 to 980 22 to 26% 14 to 18%
4 months Three to five 890 to 1170 22 to 26% 14 to 18%
5 to 6 months Three to five 1080 to 1500 22 to 26% 14 to 18%
7 to 8 months Four to six 1420 to 1740 22 to 26% 14 to 18%
9 to 10 months Four to six 1500 to 2100 22 to 26% 14 to 18%
11 to 12 months Four to six 1580 to 2310 22 to 26% 14 to 18%

The first six months of a Rottweiler puppy play a major role in its overall growth. During this time, the healthier diet you give them, the more their chances to grow into strong and healthy dogs. Furthermore, their body will demand a heavy nutritional diet so their bone and digestive system can grow stronger.

While you are giving them nutritional food, you can also use dog treats as a way to train or improve their behavior. However, remember to limit these treats as they lead to overweight problems. Furthermore, ensure your puppy’s water bowl always stays full of water. A growing puppy body will demand more water, and if your Rottie is also active, you should ensure the water bowl stays full.

Got any questions regarding how frequently you should give a meal to your Rottweiler? On average, a healthy growing Rottie puppy will need three meals per day. In the case of adult Rottweilers, two meals per day are sufficient enough. And if we talk about senior Rotties, you can feed them once or twice per day.

The Best Food To Feed Your Rottweiler Puppy

If we want to talk about the best food for your Rottweiler puppy, we must first learn about the different types of dog foods. You may be aware of commercial food, but there are other options other than commercial dog food. 

So, let’s figure out what these different types of dog food are for Rottweilers. Afterward, we will explain the best dog food out of all of them.

Dry Food

If you are unfamiliar with dry food, you may have heard of kibble, which is another name for dry food. It is quite a common dog food and is also an affordable option. Furthermore, you can store this food easily, and it doesn’t spoil for a long time. You will find the food to have a crunchy texture, so it might help with the dental health of your puppy.

Wet Food

This dog food is referred to as wet food because it contains water and is comparatively softer compared to dry kibble. This food is an effective solution for those dogs or puppies that can’t chew their food properly. They come as canned food and are a bit pricey. You can mix wet food with dry kibble as it can enhance moisture as well as flavor.


If you are thinking of raw food as your dog’s food option, you can consider giving them a BARF diet. In this raw diet, you will find the use of raw meat, bones, organ meat, vegetables, and fruits. Reasons to consider a raw diet include no additives and preservatives that can harm a puppy’s health. 

Homemade Food

As the name suggests, it’s a diet prepared by dog owners. Since this food ingredient is not checked, you should confirm it with your veterinarian before serving it to your pet.                                                     

So, Which Diet Is Best, And What Product To Use?

Of all the diets, raw food is the best dog food to feed your Rottweiler. The biggest reason to give your dog raw food is that its primary ingredient is meat. As we mentioned before, meat must be a part of your dog’s diet as it contains high amounts of protein, calcium, etc. Furthermore, a raw diet is free of harmful ingredients that are normally present in processed kibble foods.  

Our recommendation for the best raw food diet is the following:

Kleeket LLC Raw Origins

There are many reasons to feed your Rottweiler puppy Kleeket LLC raw food. What makes this raw food different from other brands’ raw food is the following:

  • Use of 100% Beef
  • Free of toxins, filler, chemicals, and grains
  • Rich in Calcium & Protein
  • Perfect food for puppies as well as adults
  • Designed by a famous USA Breeder
  • Easy to serve and store


So, this was a guide on what to feed a rottweiler puppy and how much to feed. If we sum it up, to give your Rottweiler puppy a healthy diet, you must:

  • Buy dog food rich in protein and low in fat
  • Have primary ingredient meat such as beef
  • Avoid produced meals as they contain harmful ingredients
  • Read the product ingredients before finalizing for your dog
  • Go for a food that is healthy as well as tasty

Follow these points, and you will have a happy and healthy Rottweiler puppy that will live for many years. 

If you are thinking of adopting a purebred Rottweiler puppy or looking for some diet advice for your Rottweiler puppy from our Kennels, call us at (425) 329-9996.

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