Vom Hause Stan


German Rottweiler Pups: Everything You Need To Know About Them

Keeping a German Rottweiler is probably a very good idea. They can be good watchdogs for you, save your kids from bullies, and show affection when you need it the most. 

However, you may face many doubts when deciding to keep a Rottie in your home. For instance, should I get an American Rottweiler or a German Rottweiler? Or are Rottweilers aggressive? Well, read on the blog more because we will decode all your doubts and discuss everything about the German Rottweilers. Without further ado, let’s start with the first doubt. 

Should You Get A German Rottweiler Or American?

There are several noticeable differences between the two breeds. 

The German Rottweilers 

Regarding German Rottweilers, If a puppy is born in Germany, you can safely say that the Rottweiler is German. But that’s not the only thing that defines a German Rottweiler. German Rottweilers have a classic appearance with a medium length, dense black coat, and tan-colored markings. The tan markings can be on their eyebrows, snout, chest, and legs. Generally, the appearance is strong with a broad head, muscular neck, deep chest, and strong and thick legs. Appearance-wise they are medium-large dogs, but people call them large dogs. Their muscle mass makes them look huge. The average German Rottweiler weighs around 100 pounds and measures up to 25 inches tall.

Additionally, one of their distinguishing features is that they have an undocked tail. They are fearless dogs, and throughout history, they have been proven helpful in working as police dogs. These dogs have a natural trait to guard and protect. Finally, they may behave aggressively with strangers, but once they realize the person is not a threat, they relax and get ready to cuddle. The Rottweiler pups are intelligent, trainable, and adaptable. With the right training and love, they will thrive on your expectations.   

The American Rottweilers

The American Rottweiler is the second type of Rottweiler that has descended from the German Rottweilers. American Rottweilers look like long, elongated, and classical Rottweilers. They have long legs, a slimmer head, a neck, and thin legs. Most of them have a traditional black coat with rust, but some have markings of rare colors like red or black. They generally weigh less but are full of energy and athletic spirit. They will need long walks, play, and an active lifestyle to keep them entertained. American Rotties are smart and protective. They are likewise tender with kids and highly trainable, making them incredible family pets. While the German is appropriate for a functioning life, the American Rottweiler is fit for daily life. 

Whether To Choose American Pup Or German Pup?

The German Rottweiler is what people go for when they think of it as a breed. Strong and muscular, they look very much similar to their ancestors. They were first used to drive cattle across Europe. For hundreds of years, they accompanied their masters to the markets and helped with the herding of sheep. At the same time, American Rottweilers are descended from the German Rottweilers. So, you can say that German rottweilers are the purebred breed of Rotties. 

However, the nature of both dogs is somewhat similar. Ultimately, they belong to the same breed. 

Things To Know Before Owning A German Rottweiler Dog

If you want a muscular, strong guardian for your home, Rottweilers are best for you. They are calm, confident, and lovable. Also, it is easy to groom them, and you can enjoy training them. But if you are planning to bring one, there are certain things about the dogs and their caretakers that you must know.  

Also Read:- How To Train Rottweiler Puppies? Refer To This Ultimate Guide

They Have Different Moods And Temperament Levels 

There are various lines of German Rottweilers. Each breed has a different purpose and temperament. If you want a family companion, you don’t want a high-energy working dog; instead, you want a friendly dog that won’t hurt anyone.

Some irresponsible breeders are raising Rottweilers to be dangerously sharp to make things even more difficult for you. “Sharp” canines aren’t protective; they’re unstable, making them more likely to attack innocent humans or animals. German Rottweilers can also be frightened or jittery, another instability that makes them potentially dangerous. You need to check deep about the breeders and know their purpose. You can ask their previous customers and observe the dog’s behavior. 

Ensure That There Is Ample Brain Activity 

People who only want dogs to hang out in the house and yard should avoid German Rottweilers. Rottweilers are smart and active and want to indulge in fun activities. These working dogs will only thrive if you provide them with interesting activities.

Requirements For Socialization And Canoodling  

Some German Rottweilers are chubby cuddle bugs who treat everyone with kindness and love. However, most Rottweilers have some protective instincts when it comes to strangers. They must be exposed to nice people to learn to recognize the typical behaviors of “good guys.” Consequently, they’ll be able to tell the difference when someone is acting unusually. A Rottweiler that has not been properly socialized may be suspicious of everyone and exhibit unnecessary hostility.

Provide The Perfect Balance Of Exercise And Training 

Young German Rottweilers require just the right amount of activity to keep them active and fit but not too much to put undue strain on their developing bones, joints, and ligaments. Also, adult Rottweilers require moderate activity to stay in shape. Still, they shouldn’t run for long distances or in hot or muggy conditions because their black coat makes them susceptible to overheating. Additionally, if you want them to guard your home and protect your loved ones, train them well. For training, you will find many personal dog trainers and dog gyms easily. Play fetch games, take your pups for hiking, camping, etc.  

Health, Diet, And Vet Visits 

There are serious health issues with German Rottweiler puppies. A Rottweiler’s life span is till the age of 12 or 13 years. Many others succumb to debilitating joint ailments, bone cancer, heart disease, bloat, or epilepsy at a young age of 6 or 7. They may suffer from Gassiness (flatulence) that makes you want to hide. Flatulence is exacerbated by commercial diets that contain fibrous or difficult-to-digest components. Gassiness is significantly less of an issue for Rottweilers fed a homemade diet of real meat and veggies. But, you don’t need to worry unless you take good care of them and visit a good Vet more often. Keep your pups clean, take them for poop every morning and night, or you can train them for defecation at home. Lastly, Keep them well-groomed and take care of their hygiene properly. 

Legal Issues 

German Rottweilers may be subjected to a “ban” in particular locations or be denied homeowner insurance coverage. The legal issues of having any breed that appears unjustified. Lawmakers and people who think rottweilers as a threat should examine the history of guard dogs. The point is; that if Rottweilers are not allowed in your area, you might consider changing your preference or seek the government’s permission to keep one. 

Animal Aggressiveness Is A Possibility

Most German Rottweilers get along well with other pets in their household. However, some Rottweilers are predatory toward cats, and many are hostile toward other dogs of the same sex. Starting at a young age, you must correct the first evidence of violence; if you ignore one instance, another will follow until the harmful habit is firmly established. Although every animal has some sort of aggressiveness in them, it’s important to make them feel loved, wanted, and cared for. Lastly, if your pup still exhibits aggressiveness, take them to a good Vet or help them make new friends. You can use a muzzle to let them mingle with humans and toddlers.  

Final Words

Finally, all dogs have the same heart. They all just want to feel loved, and they will serve you forever in return. Also, they all shed hair, so you must take care of hygiene for yourself and them. If you like Rottweilers, then own a German Rottweiler. Rottweilers are lovely and cuddly friends who protect you and your family. And, what could be better than that? A furry family member that protects you all the time. Even if you are scared the pup might turn aggressive, there are various ways to avoid the aggressiveness. 

Train your Rottie well from the beginning. Lastly, choose the right breeder and the right puppy, just like the Vom Hause Stan, the natural breeder of Rottweiler dogs. We take full responsibility for delivering you lovable purebred German Rottweiler puppies. Our purpose is to fill the world with joy with the help of the furry friends who protect you and your family. So bring home the cutest and strongest German Rotties today. To know more about our puppies and us, visit our site.   

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